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June 11, 2024

The Spirit - June 6, 2024

The Spirit - June 6, 2024


As the warmth of summer approaches, we are reminded of the beauty and inevitability of change. This season, First Christian Church in Henderson is experiencing several exciting changes that promise to bring us closer together, deepen our faith, and continue moving us toward the community God is calling us to be.

Embracing Change with Faith: Change is a constant part of life, and as a church, we are no strangers to it. Whether it is a shift in our worship or changes to our governance and leadership structure, these changes are opportunities for continued growth and renewal. Embracing change can be challenging, but it is through these experiences that we often find both strength and inspiration for our faith journeys.

In the Bible, we see numerous examples of individuals and communities who faced change with courage and faith. Just as God guided our ancestors of the faith, God continues to guide us through our own transitions. Let us remember Isaiah 43:19: “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” With God’s guidance, we can continue to navigate these changes with confidence and hope.

Staff Transitions: This Sunday, during worship, we will be recognizing Linda Glick’s 10 years of service as the administrative assistant of FCCH as she prepares for retirement and her last day on June 20th. I hope you will be present to express your appreciation of Linda’s dedication to our church during the reception that will follow worship. And please join us in praying for Antia Hagan as she takes over Linda’s role in the church office.

Exciting Upcoming Youth Events: I am excited that FCCH will be sending four campers to Camp Kum-Ba-Ya this summer. It has been a goal of mine to get our youth more involved in the larger church and camping program. Thanks to Jada’s dedication and on-going encouragement of our children and youth, we are seeing this dream come true. Please join me in praying over the entirety of our denomination’s camping program and the kids FCCH is sending to camp this summer: Henson Clifford, Andrew Crouch, Liliana Lutz and Maddie Swift.

Don’t forget about our upcoming VBS later this summer. It will be taking place July 19-21. We will need all the help and volunteers we can get. Please call the church office or speak to Jada if you are interested in helping.

Welcoming New Members: We have a handful of upcoming new members that will be joining our church family this summer. I hope you will join me in extending our warmest greetings and support to those that will be joining our faith community in the coming weeks. New faces bring fresh perspectives and energy, enriching our community.

A Time of Reflection and Renewal: As we embrace these changes, let us take time to reflect on our mission and renew our commitment to God and each other. Change can be challenging, but it also brings growth and new opportunities. Let us move forward together with faith, hope, and love.

Thank you for being a part of our vibrant church community. Your dedication and enthusiasm make all these wonderful things possible. I look forward to celebrating with you at one of these upcoming events.


Peace Always,  

Rev. David Clifford

Gratitude for the Writers of the World

When I was growing up, I never liked to read. I always felt like reading was a waste of time and that I could be doing something productive instead. My Daddy loved to read and could never understand why I didn’t appreciate all that I could learn and the enjoyment and relaxation I could find in reading. Roy was the same way. As he was growing up, he actually read his set of encyclopedias…I don’t think there was anything that he didn’t know something about.

 Whenever Covid hit and we were all trapped at home for so long, I fixed Roy up with an old iPad of mine and downloaded the Libby app which connected him to our local library and many books that he could “borrow” and download. He had a list of his favorite authors. He enjoyed sitting for hours and reading and searching for new books to read without ever having to leave his chair. It was then that I got interested in reading and read over 200 books while we were confined to our home. I discovered the many emotions and inspiration and entertainment that could be experienced just by reading. We loved to sit in silence, each with our own book to read.

I am grateful for all the writers who dream up all of the stories and write them down and make them available to us. I find it amazing the gifts that God gave those who can write novels, stories, articles, poems, and lyrics for us all to read and learn and be entertained. God gives each of us different talents. This week I wanted to focus on the writers…the ones who can put words together in such a magical way that they are meaningful and hold our attention.

Just think of our precious Bible, and all the writers that used their talents to share the Word of God so that for all time we can read and learn because of their unique ability. As you are reflecting on what you are grateful for today, think of the books you have read and how they have affected your life. Someone wrote those books to provide us a way to entertain ourselves, learn, or perhaps escape and experience something different for a while. We are blessed by the writers in this world, both present and in the past. Write down in your Gratitude Journal who your favorite writer is and why and give thanks for God’s gift of their ability to communicate with the written word. Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts on gratitude with you.

With love, your friend in Christ,

Carolyn Dorsey

Get to Know Our New Administrative Assistant

Above: Anita Hagan and Linda Glick take time from their work together at FCCH to relax and have lunch. Until her retirement on June 20 , Linda will work with Anita to help familiarize her with our church and office. After that, Linda will begin her journey on the road of retirement while Anita continues her journey with FCCH.

Get to Know Our New Administrative Assistant. Anita is no stranger to the demands of an office. She has worked at: Matthew 25 in Henderson, Evansville’s Dream Center, South Junior High (now Middle School), and Methodist Women’s Services. For 15 years, she also worked with Dr. Sprague in his medical practice. She remarked of her decision to come to FCCH where she will work fewer hours and only four days a week: “I am trying to slow down but not ready to retire. It is just time for more leisure. I am humbled that God has given me that opportunity and brought me to this beautiful church with these gentle people.” At another point, she added, “I want to be a ray of sunshine to someone who is not having a good day.”

Anita is the mother of four sons, and the grandmother of six grandchildren with another grandchild due any day. She and her husband lived in Corydon for 42 years but last year moved to the property they purchased in Robards. There she lives with her husband, one son and two retired racehorses. There is much more to know about Anita. Stop by the church and get to know her when you are in the area.

Regional Assembly Scheduled for August 1–3

The 2024 Regional Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) In Kentucky will be held August 1 through 3 in Mount Sterling. Host Churches are High Street Christian Church, Somerset Christian Church and First Christian Church of Mt. Sterling. This will be the first Regional Assembly hosted in Eastern Kentucky. The Christian Church In Kentucky has reserved 47 rooms at the Comfort Inn and Suites in Mt. Sterling and 30 rooms at the Ramada Inn in Mt. Sterling. To receive the negotiated discounted rates, ask for the Christian Church In Kentucky group block rate when reserving a room. Our church permits three representatives/delegates to the assembly. Currently, two of those positions are open. Contact the church office or any board member if you plan to attend and would also like to serve as a delegate. For more specific information about the Regional Assembly, consult the web page for Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) In Kentucky or call the church.


                                 Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony


Tuesday, June 4, the CWF officially celebrated the opening of their brand-new room! With a ribbon-cutting ceremony, a delicious lunch, and a heartfelt blessing by Rev. David, they’re all set to tackle their projects for the year with ease in this spacious new environment. We’re incredibly proud of all their hard work and can’t wait to see the ministry that is done in this space!     


The annual W.C. Handy Blues and Bar-bcue Festival is scheduled for June 12–15. As in the past, our church is an “in kind sponsor” for providing food for visiting musicians in the hospitality tent. If you would like to support this city-wide event, you can do so with either a food or cash donation. Those who wish to provide food should contact Gail Myers (270-831-0745) to discuss which day food will be most needed. Cash donations can also be channeled through Gail.

 Father’s Day’s collection will be June 9 and proceeds will go to the Habor House.

The Outreach/Prayer group meets on Mondays @ 9:30 a.m.

 If you’re interested in helping with Vacation Bible School, July 19-21 please call the church office or Jada.  There will be a meeting for VBS volunteers on June 11 & 25 @ 6:00 p.m.

Sunday School Classes meet every Sunday @ 9:30 a.m. prior to worship.  These classes include teens, children, and adults.  The nursery is also open.

 The FCC Board Meeting is scheduled for June 20 at 6:30 p.m.

 CWF’s June projects: They will be collecting household needs for the summer break in June. They are taking donations for any of the following items -Paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent, dish washing detergent. Donations can be made at the church office. Thank you for your generosity!

Neel Whitledge 100th birthday will be celebrated June 18th. If you would like to send her a card, her address is 325 S. Water Street Henderson, KY 42420. A reception will be held here at FCC from 2-4 pm in the fellowship hall.

 “Women of the Bible” The women’s Bible Study will not meet the month of June.

The Senior Saints will meet at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 18, in the Seekers Room, instead of the normal 12:00 p.m. We will be attending the celebration for Neel Whitledge’s 100th birthday at 2:00 pm.

Youth Group Activities will NOT meet for the next two weeks, due to camp. Join us again on June 26 from 6-7pm.

Ministry Team meetings are set up for the last Tuesday of each month. The Team will be meeting again on June 25 at 6:30 p.m. with the May meeting being cancelled.

Linda Glick’s Reception is to follow the Worship Service on June 9. Linda’s last day with us will be June 20th.