We’ve talked about deferring our dreams, and the serious cost it can take into following the path to success. But taking actionable steps towards your dream can also be difficult, and you may feel like it’s not enough. I’m here to tell you that any s...
We’ve talked about deferring our dreams, and the serious cost it can take into following the path to success. But taking actionable steps towards your dream can also be difficult, and you may feel like it’s not enough. I’m here to tell you that any step, no matter how small, is still important movement forward.
It may feel like anything we do is not enough. When moving toward our dreams, it may feel like we’re inadequate, or maybe not moving at the speed we were originally expecting. But no matter how small our steps, movement forward is still movement forward. I’m here to tell you that it’s ok to take your time. Being patient with your dream can lead to a more rewarding and satisfactory journey.
If you’ve connected with this episode in some way, leave a review and share your If you’ve connected with this episode in some way, leave a review and share your biggest takeaway with me. And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow me on Instagram @JeffMeyer22. If this episode has inspired you to take action, join our community of action-taking successful dreamers at JeffMeyerCoaching.com and take the first step to realizing yours!