“I’ve always been interested in people’s stories,” says John Busacker, a writer, speaker, and entrepreneur. John began his work as a financial advisor, but his interest in stories and the “life” parts of financial advising lead him to leadership coac...
“I’ve always been interested in people’s stories,” says John Busacker, a writer, speaker, and entrepreneur. John began his work as a financial advisor, but his interest in stories and the “life” parts of financial advising lead him to leadership coaching.
As a leadership coach, John is interested in the questions we ask each other, and ourselves. “The best leaders,” he says, “ask the best questions.” John’s strong connection to his faith empowered him to look at Jesus’s questions as inspiration for how we can live in the grey area, and grapple with questions that don’t have clear answers in our lives and in our work.
Tune in to this episode of Move Forward Anyway to hear host Jeff Meyers chat with his long-time pal about determining not just your net worth but your “Life’s Worth,” becoming a story-focused leader, and John’s new book Gasping for Breath, which talks about how to find solace in life’s hardest moments, when you feel you can’t come up for air.
Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing