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Dec. 15, 2020

EP 44: Writing about Sexuality (1) - About Helevorn's Characters

EP 44: Writing about Sexuality (1) - About Helevorn's Characters

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In this episode, Helevorn and I talk about our approaches to writing about sexuality in our works. 

In General:

1. What are some main points that a writer should keep in mind when creating a sex scene? 

2. How can erotic scenes be used as a part of establishing a character?

3. How do you decide how explicit a scene is going to be?

4. How can you depict an unhealthy sexual relationship?

5. Erotic fiction

About Helevorn's characters specifically:

1. How are Eyolf's attitudes towards sex like? Do his attitudes change depend on who he's attracted to at a particular moment?

2. What does the scene between Eyolf and Geirr tell us about Eyolf's views on sex?

3. How does the Midsummer scene between Eyolf and Yngvar contrast and compare with that of Eyolf and Geirr? How does Eyolf's attraction towards these two men differ?

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