Are you using money as a tool to move you forward on the path to the life you want, or is money a painful topic? Today we are discussing how to analyze your daily, weekly, and monthly expenditures and figure out if they are truly helping you progress toward the life you dream of.
Are you carrying a large amount of credit card debt? Do you spend money too frivolously on conveniences like a $6 coffee and fast food every morning? Are you paying for a cable subscription instead of just a couple of streaming services? All these small things can eat away at the money you COULD be using to invest in your future.
About Us:
We are real estate investors Tiffany and Eric Vogel, founders of Four years ago we began our real estate investment journey together after just one year of dating – before we even got married! We bought our first property with an FHA loan and zero equity. Each of us has a unique set of strengths that we bring to our partnership.
Join us each week for another episode full of tips, tricks, and methods to find your path and make it happen.
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