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Oct. 25, 2022

Episode 33: The Objection Series - Personal Finances

Episode 33: The Objection Series - Personal Finances

Do you ever find yourself saying, "I can't get started real estate investing because I don't have the money" or "There's no way I could get a loan in this market." Tune in this week with Eric and Tiffany as they discuss personal finances. Many people are afraid of loans, have too much debt or other financial issues. Leave it to Eric and Tiffany to list out several tips and tricks you can use to navigate your personal finances and how to best utilize them into a career of real estate investing. "We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like." -Dave Ramsey

About Us:

We are real estate investors Tiffany and Eric Vogel, founders of www.onpurposeinvestor.com.  Four years ago we began our real estate investment journey together after just one year of dating – before we even got married! We bought our first property with an FHA loan and zero equity.  Each of us has a unique set of strengths that we bring to our partnership.  

Join us each week for another episode full of tips, tricks, and methods to find your path and make it happen. 

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