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March 1, 2022

Episode 6: What is your Vision?

Episode 6: What is your Vision?

What is a vision and how can it impact your life? In this episode we dive into how we lean into the future and truly visualize what our day to day lives look like using the tools learned through the book Vivid Vision by Cameron Harold

To help guide you indecision making, see how we decide if the answer is an OH YES or an OH NO and utilizing our roadmap to guide that decision. 

We also dive into forecasting your future and tools to use to overcome short-sightedness. 


Book - Vivid Vision

Book - Rhinoceros Success

Blog Post It's All White Noise


About Us:

We are real estate investors Tiffany and Eric Vogel, founders of www.onpurposeinvestor.com.  Four years ago we began our real estate investment journey together after just one year of dating – before we even got married! We bought our first property with an FHA loan and zero equity.  Each of us has a unique set of strengths that we bring to our partnership.  

Join us each week for another episode full of tips, tricks, and methods to find your path and make it happen. 

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