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Pilates Fundamentals to Eliminate Neck and Shoulder Pain

This is the companion video to Lynda's popular e-book, Free Your Neck & Shoulders with Pilates.

You Don't Have To Live With A Stiff Neck & Tight Shoulders!

In my 20+ years of private fitness and Pilates training the biggest complaints I hear from my clients is chronic shoulder and neck pain. For most people it's not so acute that they really want to do anything about it. They just live with low level pain all the time and avoid activities which make things worse.The problem is that most of our day to day activities aggravate the neck and shoulders. Working at a desk; talking on the phone; operating a computer, Blackberry, or iPhone; driving; and even cooking, cleaning, and shopping can all tighten your chest, neck, and shoulders. Luckily there are some simple things you can do every day to help relieve this forward tension pattern.

Just 6 simple exercises used morning and evening for 21 days and your neck and shoulders can feel much better! Thousands of Lynda's Pilates and fitness training clients have successfully eliminated chronic neck and shoulder stiffness and pain using this simple program.

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