It’s a special extended as this week Ben and Kristin complete their journey thru season 2 with their breakdown and discussion on the season’s two part finale episodes 23 and 24 “Live Together Die Alone”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ ht
This week Ben and Kristin continue on their journey into season 2 this time around giving their top points of season 2 penultimate episode 22 “Three Minutes”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ Instagram @LOSTRevisite
This week Ben and Kristin continue on their journey into season 2 this time around giving their top points of episode 21 “?”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ Instagram @LOSTRevisitedPod E-mail: LOSTRevisitedPod@gma
This week Ben and Kristin continue on their journey into season 2 this time around giving their top points of episode 20 “Two For the Road”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ Instagram @LOSTRevisitedPod E-mail: LOSTR
This week Ben and Kristin continue on their journey into season 2 this time around giving their top points of episode 19 “S.O.S.”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ Instagram @LOSTRevisitedPod E-mail: LOSTRevisitedPo
This week Kristin and Ben continue on their journey into season 2 this time around giving their top points of episode 18 “Dave”. **If you’re reading this right now and you or someone you know is struggling with suicide, depression, self
This week Kristin and Ben continue on their journey into season 2 this time around giving their top points of episode 17 “Lockdown”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ Instagram @LOSTRevisitedPod E-mail: LOSTRevisited
This week Kristin and Ben continue on their journey into season 2 this time around giving their top points of episode 16 “The Whole Truth”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ Instagram @LOSTRevisitedPod E-mail: LOSTRe
After taking a week off, Kristin and Ben return to continue on their journey into season 2 this time around giving their top points of episode 15 “Maternity Leave”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ Instagram @LOSTRev
This week Kristin and Ben continue on their journey into season 2 this time around giving their top points of episode 14 “One of Them”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ Instagram @LOSTRevisitedPod E-mail: LOSTRevisi
This week Kristin and Ben continue on their journey into season 2 this time around giving their top points of episode 13 “The Long Con”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ Instagram @LOSTRevisitedPod E-mail: LOSTRevis
This week Kristin and Ben continue on their journey into season 2 this time around giving their top points of episode 12 “Fire + Water”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ Instagram @LOSTRevisitedPod E-mail: LOSTRevis
This week Kristin and Ben continue on their journey into season 2 this time around giving our top points of episode 11 “The Hunting Party”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ Instagram @LOSTRevisitedPod E-mail: LOSTRe
This week Kristin and Ben continue on their journey into season 2 this time around giving our top points of episode 10 “The 23rd Psalm”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ Instagram @LOSTRevisitedPod E-mail: LOSTRevis
This week Kristin and Ben continue on their journey into season 2 this time around giving our top points of episode 9 “What Kate Did”. FOLLOW US: Facebook @ Instagram @LOSTRevisitedPod E-mail: LOSTRevisit