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May 15, 2020

Manish Kataria - Economic & House Price Outlook

Manish Kataria - Economic & House Price Outlook

There is always the danger that you can talk for hours to Manish Kataria as what he has to say is so interesting and this time was no different.

In this episode we look at what could be in store for UK House Prices and some of the reasons why.

Some of the things we discuss are;

Disposable incomes

Relationship between House Prices and the stock markets.

Metrics to measure the economy and what they looked like going into the Covid 19 crisis.

Is looking at the discounted future free cash flows still a good way to measure assets?

How this situation and the economic environment differs to 2008, the great depression and Japan in the 90's

How credit and /or asset bubbles are usually present prior to a recession but not this time.

Government, corporate and consumer debt and what they look like in the UK.

Banks and how healthy they are in the UK.

Inflation and its different types and why financial asset prices can inflate when CPI does not.

And a whole lot more.

You can find out more from Manish on his website www.investlikeapro.co.uk

There is also an article I wrote last month on Inflation which may be of use https://incomethroughproperty.co.uk/blog/f/covid-19-house-price-outlook

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