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Top Listen.
Fractionally Distilled KNOW-ledge. For SO many other commentators in our world they have an element of Slim Shady ‘Nothing comes out when ya move ya lips…etc’ but especially when Adam Lawrence is on with you, you lads know yer stuff inside out. Fair play. Neuro Table Tennis. Champion! 👍🏻💪🏻🚀

Interesting to listen to, touching on the stock market vs property and really goes in depth into the process, what can go well and what can go wrong. Thank you Rod!

Shaz Fani
Great content - great advice from various industry experts. Learning from the brains industry - very humble advice with some precious nuggets.

The best podcast in property
If you’re going to invest your time in improving your knowledge in property spend it here. Rods guests are always super relevant to the professional property investor and you’ll learn something in every episode.

Fantastic guests and topics
Rod is a guy with a wealth of knowledge himself and the people he gets on to share their knowledge is fantastic. Always look forward to a new show ready for the walk to school!

Refreshing approach!
Excellent podcast!! I use this like a library & pop in and out of episodes when I want to learn more about the subject so that I can further my business. Rod himself is a very generous man with his time, always willing to help and this comes across in his podcast very well. I love his question to guests “What’s the kindest thing that’s happened to you in property?”. Love this sincere approach and please keep them coming Rod!

Top Notch Content
Your time is valuable, If you’re looking for a no nonsense content rich Podcast about “all things property”. This is the one for you 💪

Love the Rod Casts
I love listening to the Rod Casts and the guests that Rod interviews. Extremely informative and exciting listening to people’s stories.

Very informative, non repetitive
The content is based on knowledge and expert opinion on specific subjects rather than “success stories” or “property journeys”. As a listener you get the sense that the guests are actually true experts in the subject matter being discussed. Rods questions are well thought through. - Aiden Poulton

Very informative!
Been listening to these Podcasts of late and have to say I have found the content to be very insightful and thorough. Rod is good at asking pertinent questions and he seems to get the best out of the interviewees with his approach and delving follow-up questioning. Avid listener now, keep up the good work Rod!

Great content
I’m relatively new in the property game, The Podcast has opened my eyes as to how many different paths can be taken within this sphere. Great to hear differing points of view and the explanations for what works and why. Keep it up Rod!

Stands out from the crowd
It’s an absolutely fantastic podcast! There are very few that crack it for for me in this space. There’s some very good ones aimed at beginners and then in my opinion just a myriad of repetitive trash because everyone just ‘has to have one these days’. With a few exceptions... which is where yours sits. Knowledgable guests, a bit humour with serious and precise questions in a niche that I operate in. I’m planning and setting up a group structure at the moment as currently have a stand-alone invest co that has had my new buy to let’s in since 2015 and then a Dev co. The recent episodes have been mega useful with the various tax and law experts. Keep it up!

Excellent content
During this lockdown, I have been listening to Rodcast as I was not aware of it before. The content is excellent and gives expert opinions of important and complex property matters. Ive found them really useful and learnt from everyone that I have listened too. I look forward to further content over time and all the best to this channel.

If you haven’t got your Rod in the water, you’ll never catch any fish!
I’ve been following Rod for around 5 years and I see him as one of the ‘elders’ of the property world due to his vast experience and achievements which are second to none. The fact he’s got a Podcast is like an expo to the inside of his brain which is full of useful experience, tips and know-how no matter where you are in your property journey. Thank Rod.

Very good listen
Great content, relevant contributors and measured well informed opinions.

Great podcast
Excellent, informative. Worth hearing!

Top interviews
Rod asks such intelligent questions. No RaRa. Brings out the best in everyone he interviews. Love this podcast

Great value
It is like eavesdropping on property people talking about business over drinks - invaluable! Keep it coming, Rod!

Top quality!
One of the best podcasts period! Excellent quality guests, high quality discussion and top quality information shared! An absolute must listen for anyone interested in asset backed business and especially UK real estate.

Content, Detail and Honestly.
This is by far the best property podcast there is out there. I subscript to many, for a while now and no other podcast competes with the Content, Knowledge, Detail and Honestly of the Rodcast. Well done and keep them coming

Great stuff...
No fluff and excellent content.

Must listen if you want practical advice ...
Great podcast if you want to learn from property entrepreneur and business people who are out there doing real stuff. Packed with great content and real value.

One of, if not THE the best property podcasts
Rod has great quality discussions with interesting angles, different to anything else I’ve listened to. Keep them coming Rod 👍🏻

Interesting guests & great host
Love listening to this new podcast. Always great topics discussed. Well worth a listen!

Fantastic podcast, great guests and full of great content and opinion. This will be one of my regulars!

Get a pen and paper ready!
I have gained so much information from these pod casts. Rod himself evidences a wealth of knowledge combined with discussions with industry professionals over a full range of topics. I have made notes of great information from everyone of these podcasts.

Breath of fresh air
I have been looking for a podcast in property that cuts through all the happy clappy property is easy with no money down deals etc. This podcast has been so helpful and is great place for property investors to learn about the real issues in property and hear the true success stories from the guests on the show. Keep up the good work

Great content
Really enjoy the practical information. Carry on the good work

Great content
Really thought provoking talks with interesting guests.

Excellent value
Great podcast from an extremely knowledgable investor.