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May 28, 2024

#22: The Top 10 Mistakes Student-Athletes need to avoid when strength training

#22: The Top 10 Mistakes Student-Athletes need to avoid when strength training

In this episode, host Alex discusses the 10 mistakes that athletes make regarding strength training. He shares his personal experiences and insights as a former athlete, trainer, and parent. The 10 mistakes include not doing a proper warm-up, turning workouts into competitions, not starting with a solid foundation, only training upper body or lower body, neglecting explosive training, implementing plyometrics at the wrong time, prioritizing 'pretty muscles' first, neglecting core training, and not stretching post-workout.


-A proper warm-up is essential before strength training, including tissue quality work, mobility exercises, and activation.

-Avoid turning workouts into competitions and focus on training for your sport rather than trying to one-up others.

-Start with a solid foundation by incorporating isometric holds and slow movements to build strength and stability.

-Balance your training by working on both upper and lower body strength.

-Include an explosive component in your training, such as Olympic lifts, medicine ball tosses, and weighted jump squats.

-Implement plyometrics at the beginning of your workout to maximize explosiveness.

-Prioritize compound movements and save 'pretty muscles' exercises for the end of your workout.

-Don't neglect core training, which includes exercises like carries, planks, and anti-rotation movements.

-Stretching post-workout helps improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.

-Invest time and consistency in your training to see long-term results.


05:55 Mistake 2: Turning Workouts into Competitions

08:50 Mistake 4: Only Training Upper Body

12:18 Mistake 7: Implementing Plyometrics at the Wrong Time

14:48 Mistake 9: Neglecting Core Training

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