The Aetherius Society: UFOs as a Religion
The Aetherius Society: UFOs as a Religion
On this episode of The Skeptic Metaphysicians, we dive into the intriguing world of the Aetherius Society, a spiritual organization founded…
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The Aetherius Society: UFOs as a Religion

On this episode of The Skeptic Metaphysicians, we dive into the intriguing world of the Aetherius Society, a spiritual organization founded in the mid-1950s by Dr. George King.

This society combines elements of Eastern philosophy, Western mysticism, and teachings about cosmic beings to promote humanity's spiritual growth.

We are joined by Paul Nugent, a director of the society, who provides fascinating insights into the society’s belief in extraterrestrial beings, their mission to serve humanity, and his personal experiences with Dr. King.

Our discussion touches on cosmic consciousness, the law of karma, and the role of these cosmic beings in offering spiritual guidance.

This episode allows us to explore these profound ideas that contribute to a deeper understanding of human existence and spiritual awakening.

(Times are approximate)
00:00 Introduction to Extraterrestrial Helpers
00:30 The Aetherius Society and Its Founder
02:43 Interview with Paul Nugent
03:55 Exploring the Beliefs of the Aetherius Society
07:42 The Spiritual Journey of Dr. George King
14:43 Understanding Cosmic Consciousness and Karma
21:34 Personal Experiences and Beliefs
28:45 The Delayed Bliss and Soul Journey
29:39 Extraterrestrial Beings and Sacrifice
30:15 Cosmic Intelligences and Human Suffering
32:26 Historical Civilizations and Atomic Energy
40:01 The Spiritual Crisis on Earth
44:35 Personal Experiences with Dr. George King
48:32 The Book: Maya Mire
51:49 Closing Thoughts and Final Remarks

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Will & Karen: Karen. Yes. What would you say if I told you that there might be beings not from this earth who are here specifically to help mankind create a better world? I would say thank God because we need all the help we can get. We certainly do, right? And what if I told you that there is a group of people that hold these beings in the highest regard and have even created a religion dedicated to spreading and acting on the teachings of advanced extraterrestrial beings?

Yes. Oh, that sounds familiar. Does it? It does. Well, it just so happens that the Aetherius Society, and I hope I said it somewhat correctly, is just such an organization. They say that these beings recognize the extent of suffering on earth, and they've made countless sacrifices in their mission to help us.

Wow. Yep. Now, the founder of this inspiring society was an Englishman named George King, who did so shortly after he was contacted in London by an extraterrestrial, intelligence known as Ethereus. Sadly, Mr. King has since [00:01:00] passed away and we no longer have direct access to him.

However, today we do have the next best thing, Karen. Mr. King's personal assistant and the director of the Ethereus Society since 2001. This one is going to truly be eye opening, so don't go anywhere because the Skeptic Manifestation starts now. Hey there, I'm Will. And I'm Karen. And [00:02:00] today we're diving into the Cosmic, the Aetherius Society is a spiritual organization founded in the mid 1950s by Dr.

George King, who claimed to have had a significant spiritual experience where he was contacted by extraterrestrial beings. Now, the Society combines elements of Eastern philosophy, Western mysticism, and teachings related to cosmic or extraterrestrial beings. Emphasizing service to humanity, spiritual evolution, and the idea that Earth is a living being.

Now central the society's beliefs is that advanced beings from the other planets play an essential role in helping humanity through spiritual guidance. These beings, referred to as cosmic masters, are believed to assist Earth in its spiritual evolution and protect it from disasters. Today, we're privileged to be accompanied by Mr. King's personal assistant and the director of the society, Paul Nugent to share with us the amazing experiences that it was to have lived and learned so much from this astounding religions founder. Welcome to the show. Paul Nugent.

Paul: Well, thank you very much, [00:03:00] Will and Karen. And I think you've distilled the Aetherius Society extraordinarily well, that introduction. The only thing that I would, dare I say, correct is that I am not THE director. I am a director. Uh, we have several directors and I was not the personal assistant.

I was a

Will & Karen: a personal assistant.

Paul: there were three of us in the latter years of his life, but Anyway, I just wanted to clarify that but other otherwise excellent. summation of the ethereal society

Will & Karen: Well, thank you. That, that means a lot to me it must be such, I mean, it is what in 35 countries that this society is in. So you do need quite a few people to help drive the message forward.

I would assume. So it would make sense that there would be more than one director. And, uh, and Mr. King being such a big personality would certainly need more than one assistant. So we're glad that we have you here with us.

Paul: It's great to be with you and to explain more about dr King and the spiritual philosophy of the ethereal society

Will & Karen: It's fascinating because honestly, until I started researching you, [00:04:00] the only religion that I have heard about that speaks about extraterrestrial beings, I believe was with Scientology, right? That's what I was thinking.

Paul: Well, I don't know if they do. I'm not sure I entirely like the comparison. I often think that, the ethereal society is the opposite end of the lens to, to Scientology, but that's not to sort of necessarily openly and publicly, dismiss Scientology. There are others. I mean, Astara is one.

there have been one or two, but certainly the ethereal society is the world's. longest standing UFO organization. And we don't just see it in terms of the nuts and bolts of UFOs, but we see the whole thing, far more seriously and far more importantly, in a spiritual context.

Will & Karen: To put the words UFO with spirituality, it's not usually something that's put together except for, we have heard people say that extraterrestrials are here to help humanity and things like [00:05:00] that, but you take it very seriously. You take it to the nth degree. are the major tenets of the religion?

Because you, you do take this more of a, as a way of life.

Paul: It's totally a way of life. It's a way of being. I think in a way you you could more reasonably argue that it's ridiculous for humanity, to think that we are, alone in the universe. you know, with the wonderful thing about what one of the wonderful things about science and technology.

decades, is that they've allowed us to realize how small and tiny and you could even say insignificant we are. in the universe. It literally is vast. In fact, you know, I was having a conversation with someone earlier this week. I'm led to understand it's extremely difficult to believe, but it seems to be the science that there are more stars IE suns, then there are grains of [00:06:00] sand on all the beaches and in all the deserts on the surface of earth.

I mean, blows the mind,

Will & Karen: It really

Paul: yeah, and even to be making that comparison, allows one to realize how small and insignificant we are. I often think that, you know, How aware is the spider in the corner of this room, that it's in a room, that it's in a house, that it's in a town, that it's in a state, that it's in a country, that it's in a, on a world, that it's in a solar system, in a galaxy, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

And I think, culturally and traditionally, that's been very much, uh, sort of very egocentric perspective. on our place in the cosmos, and I think that, you know, hopefully that, very sort of limited, narrow perspective, is going to be broken. And because I think that, the realization of our true place in the cosmos, our insignificance, and yet at the [00:07:00] same time the fact that we are in this cosmos, we are a part of this incredible organism of the universe, we're a living aspect of it, hopefully will allow us to fundamentally and profoundly change, as human beings in our understanding of ourselves, of each other, and what we are collectively a part of.

Will & Karen: Ooh. You've said a mouthful and in order to, you know, no, it's, it's, it's wonderful. And I love the passion with which you share this whole subject. You can tell that you, really it is your life, is your way of life, which is wonderful to, to hear. to hear. But for the audience to really truly understand what it is we're talking about first, we need to rewind it a little bit and talk about, George King.

Can you tell us a little bit more about Dr. King's the first contact. Exactly. That's what I want to know. Yes, exactly. give us, more information about that pivotal moment when [00:08:00] Dr.

King was contacted by the extraterrestrial being.

Paul: very very briefly. Dr George King was born in England in 1919 20 years later in 1939 Tragically the Second World War came along and He was a you could say a prime 20 years old But he knew inherently that thou shalt not kill was a law You bigger than mankind.

There was a truth, there was a profundity, there was a greatness that sentiment. And so he became a conscientious objector. Not that he couldn't recognize that Nazism was a terrible thing that needed to be countered, but he wasn't willing to go and kill fellow human beings for the sake of it.

What he did was he joined the fire brigade in London, which subsequently went through what's known as the blitz, which was the bombing of civilians. he saw that, he witnessed that [00:09:00] firsthand, the devastation and, and the madness of that, the inhumanity of that, the craziness of that. Why, why, why, who are we, what are we doing to each other?

And it led him to study coming out of the second world war, or probably more likely during it. led him to study and practice various forms of yoga. And he did it very intensely. he did it for up to eight hours a day over a 10 year period. when you practice various forms of yoga, he was using primarily what is known as pranayama breathing exercises, mantra yoga.

when you do it that intensely, It causes a force that we all have in the base of the spine called the kundalini to rise through a channel in the spine called the sushumna channel. Open the chakras or psychic centers that we all have in our aura and you gradually bring this force up. With [00:10:00] such intensity he was eventually able to bring the kundalini up to the highest senses, the christ center and the crown chakra.

When one's able to do that One goes into a state of somatic consciousness or cosmic consciousness. There have been various individuals throughout our past who've been able to do this. It's very difficult to do. It's very demanding. But it's ultimately the goal for all of us. And George King as he was then in his early to mid thirties, was able to do this.

And then one Saturday morning in May of 1954, we believe it was May the 8th of 1954, he literally heard a voice and he said it was as stark as a gunshot going off. He heard a voice in his small apartment in London, and the voice said, prepare yourself, you are to become the voice.

of interplanetary parliament. [00:11:00] Exactly. Exactly. He'd never heard of interplanetary parliament.

Will & Karen: I mean, who has? Ha

Paul: Who has? We haven't. We haven't. We have. We're a part of it. But we haven't. We're not aware of that. We've heard that there's, there's something much greater going on. There's something that is literally cosmic and divine.

and truly magnificent in every sense of the word. He was apparently was washing dishes at the time. He dropped the dishes. All he knew with his yogic training was that this was no psychic apparition. What he heard was for real. He knew that he had been developing and training himself for some kind of purpose.

he just. As I say had never heard of interplanetary Parliament. He didn't know where the voice had come from what it meant The people who he was able to ask which probably weren't very many All could give him no answer as to what it had been. So a week later. He went back into meditation He said I am NOT leaving [00:12:00] this apartment until I understand what that contact was.

And there he was, yoga master, quite well known, or certainly was well known at the time. India came through his locked door, came into his room, sat down opposite him and explained what that communication had been. And he gave George King various other yogic techniques that he used. would need to adopt in order to gain rapport with these intelligences existing upon higher dimensions of the other planets.

within our solar system. The being who had made that statement, prepare yourself, you are to become the voice of interplanetary parliament, goes by the name of Aetherius. Hence, we are the Aetherius society, and we understand that the master [00:13:00] Aetherius is an intelligence living, and has lived for thousands of years, upon the higher dimensions.

Will & Karen: Oh, wow. Oh, okay. So, in that last five words, you just opened up a whole can of worms. The extraterrestrial being known as Aetherius lived in the higher dimensions of Venus. Where do I go? There's so many places to go. are you aware of the CE5 movement?

Paul: No, I'm not.

Will & Karen: So the CE5 movement is a movement that was, formed a while back. it stands for Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind. And basically what they do is they go out in the field and they consciously call extraterrestrial beings or UFOs to them because they feel just like you that they are here to help humanity.

Paul: Right.

Will & Karen: and apparently, I think for the [00:14:00] most part they see lights in the skies and things like that. Occasionally they'll get visitations and things, but from my understanding the communication that you have or that ethereal society members have a little bit less direct. Is that, fair to say?

Paul: a little bit less direct. You mean CE 5 is a little bit less direct than the communication which, which Dr. King had?

Will & Karen: did he, he didn't see a being in front of him, right? He, he channeled, he

Paul: No, he has done. He, he did do, but it's just on that particular occasion he didn't.

Will & Karen: Oh, okay.

Paul: but you see, a fundamental concept of all life, not just terrestrial life, a principle of certainly of the theory society, but not, solely the theory society by any stretch the imagination. is the law of karma.

I mean, we would say that even Christ taught the law of karma. As you sow, so shall you reap. The Lord Buddha stated it as action and reaction are opposite and equal. To my way of thinking, [00:15:00] I mean, I fully accept the law of karma, but my way of thinking, the law of karma makes no sense. without the reciprocal law of reincarnation.

In other words, it carries over what we sow, what we reap in one life carries over to the next life, all with the actual fundamental purpose of us raising Kundalini so that we can attain cosmic consciousness. but where do we go? in that time between lives when we die awaiting reincarnation, where do we go?

We go to another sphere, another realm, another dimension, if you like. around this earth. And depending on our karmic pattern on earth, we have both higher realms of varying degree, but we also have lower realms of varying degree. And that concept is the same on the other planets, except they don't have lower realms because they don't have, so to speak, shall we say, negative karma.

it's all [00:16:00] of a higher dimension. So when we go to Venus, yes, we're going to the physical realm of Venus. These intelligences are not existing on that realm. They are on a higher level of frequency. Which is in that sense all, physical to all intents and purposes. but it's not the same. So that is what we're talking about, in terms of the other dimensions of the other planets and the Master Aetherius.

We believe that Jesus and Buddha both came from Venus.

Will & Karen: So what are your thoughts on when we die, do we become these ethereal creatures or beings, or are they also. Kind of waiting for them to get to the next level.

Paul: when we die I think we're essentially just as we are here on Earth. We just find ourselves in a different dimension according to the whole frequency that we've created, while in this incarnation. I think we're more awakened. I mean, I had a very remarkable experience [00:17:00] with my own brother when he died literally a couple of years ago, very sadly, very tragically and very.

Unexpectedly. I had this communication with my brother who found himself on another, well actually between realms. He didn't even know he died, poor chap. and he was amazed to find that he was, to all intents and purposes, still alive. He just wasn't in his physical body. And I think that's, that's how it is until we adjust to where we are.

and then at the right karmic time, we will take on once again human form, and go through this whole rather, one might say rather tedious and slow process

Will & Karen: It's almost like we, we come here and then some people believe in soul contracts, some don't, but we come here and if there's this karma from the past, it's like the whole time we're here, we're trying to leave here. Yeah. It's almost like a vicious [00:18:00] cycle. When we're here, we can't wait to go there. So we're here to learn everything to get back.

Right. But then when we're there, we can't wait to get here. So we can even have the human experience.

Paul: primary purpose is to leave here. Christ demonstrated it to us. The only way you're going to actually leave is through ascension. We are here to attain ascension. It's a lesson and a demonstration for every single one of us. The question is, how do you get there?

How do you get there? And, it's not just a matter of wishful thinking. I wish it was. But, no, it isn't.

Will & Karen: I'd be there by now if that was the case. Many times over.

Paul: Exactly. No, it's a process. it is a yogic process, you could say, but it's a process of realization. It's a process of realizing who and what we really are in that divine cosmic sense. And that Realization inevitably brings about a sensation of love [00:19:00] when one truly begins to realize that I am, that I'm a part of this, that I exist in the wholeness of everything.

instinctively and naturally generates a sensation of love. Love leads to service. Love is care. You care. You care about everything. You care about the state of the world. You care about your environment. You care about cruelty. You care literally about everything in a very sort of wholesome, pure way. It leads you to serve, to want to serve.

It was being demonstrated by every single master who's ever come to this earth. You start to serve because you realize the preciousness and the sacredness literally of not only everything, but of of every single moment. And that is a path towards enlightenment. And that path towards enlightenment is a path towards cosmic consciousness.

And when we can attain cosmic consciousness, [00:20:00] literally at will, then we will be free. Ascend. then we will leave earth, but you see, even not everybody who has attained cosmic consciousness necessarily ascends. That's why you have what's called the ascended masters who actually choose to stay here to help illumine, humanity.

Will & Karen: And some people, some people believe that Jesus and Buddha were just such ascended masters that they'd stayed behind.

Paul: maybe they do and I'm not here to sort of argue against that in the ethereal society We believe they were what's actually called avatars As as Shri Krishna was an avatar an avatar is an intelligence who has come Literally from elsewhere. We would say the higher realms of another world another planet within our own solar system Who's come here?

You To teach, instruct, Shri Krishna taught us the whole principles of yoga. Buddha taught us the wonderful path compassion as did Jesus love and [00:21:00] service. we in the theory study wouldn't say that's necessarily actually been their primary role. We would say that Jesus came here to perform an outstanding and essential karmic manipulation that averted a catastrophe upon earth at that time.

But he obviously did, did teach us, how, we should rightfully be living. And had we adopted those teachings or the teachings of Buddha or Sri Krishna, we would be living in a very different world. Unfortunately, we tend to sort of dismiss them too easily.

Will & Karen: so in, in all of your work with the society, have you ever had contact?

Paul: I haven't had personal contact. no, I haven't. Because again, see, Dr. King described the transmissions he received in a way a little bit similar to a radio set. which is the mind. And, you know, we're all capable of receiving, you know, we get, uh, we can have telepathic thoughts or whatever. We all [00:22:00] receive thoughts, we impulses and we put out thoughts, uh, et cetera.

if we were to gain mastery through the process of yoga, then we would have control over the mind that would allow us to become a very finely tuned radio set, which is what he developed. And because he had such a finely tuned mind through the experience of Samadhi consciousness, he was able to connect, if you like, with the mind, mind belt, Of those beings on the highest spheres, actually, not just on other planets, but also on our own world.

I, am too dumbed down. I'm afraid. I, I, I'm, I'm too ordinary and I'm too human to,

Will & Karen: Uh, I think you're not giving yourself enough credit, Paul. Okay,

Paul: Well, I'm being honest, at least.

Will & Karen: now if you haven't had this contact, because a lot of people they, you know, seeing is believing, [00:23:00] what is it that, that cinched it for you, that made you believe this is true and, and decide to, to be involved?

Paul: That's a very good question, Karen. when I came across the Aetherius Society in the sort of early 1980s, I had, recently, read the Four Gospels. I knew there was something missing in my life. I didn't know where to turn or what to do. I did have a Bible having been raised, you know, I'm English. We were in a church of England.

I had a Bible. And I read the Four Gospels. And it resonated with me very, very seriously. I felt a new intuitively that here is someone who actually understands we should be living our life. However, I was one of the, colleague from work was a member of this organization called the Ethereus Society. And, uh, and, and my boss was a wonderful mentor as well. He was, uh, he, he was studying Eastern philosophy at a school, in London, which [00:24:00] I also attended, which opened me to the concepts of karma and reincarnation, et cetera.

But anyway, when I came to the Ethereus Society. I began to attend their services on a Sunday morning and every Sunday service, um, we still do this, we, I'm sure we'll continue to do this. We play one of the cosmic transmissions that was received by Dr. George King in 1958 on 12 consecutive Sundays. these teachings are called the 12 Blessings and we believe that they were given by Jesus. As I say, on 12 consecutive Sundays in 1958. Now it's easy to sort of say that, it's a quite another thing to believe that. What made me believe it, what made me accept it, what made me sort of look, delve deeper into the ethereal society was, the profundity.

The, the [00:25:00] exquisiteness, the fundamental truth of these blessings, they were profound. they were exactly, precisely what our whole world is calling out for. This cosmic truth. perspective of who we are, what we are a part of. The fact that the earth is a living being, even the sun, the sun is a living being, even the galaxy is a living being, it's all living, it's all alive, we're a part of it, we're a living part of this whole one essential unity, this oneness.

this vastness, and it was just simply too important, too serious, too profound for me to ignore. And so I began, as I say, to take it all far more seriously. And, that's why I'm talking to you now. 40 plus years later.

Will & Karen: Wow. Now these transmissions that you play on Sundays, is it, is it recordings [00:26:00] of Dr. King speaking, uh, the transmissions or is it something else?

Paul: Well, he would go into what we call a positive yogic somatic trance. He would go into a very elevated state, the most elevated state of consciousness a human being is capable and in that state, Jesus. We believe coming from a higher dimension of Venus, crazy as that may sound, to our very limited terrestrial dumbed down, you know, understanding, but communicating through the voice of Dr.

George King, you will hear It's the voice of Jesus, which is different to the voice of the Master Aetherius, which is different to the voice of Mars Sector 6, for example. They were able to use him as a conduit. through whom they could communicate. He was in this very, his whole body, he was paralyzed.

His [00:27:00] body was paralyzed. it would go cold because all of his consciousness had been raised into the Christ and crown chakras. He was in a very elevated state. He himself did not know what was being spoken through him at that time.

Will & Karen: sure.

Paul: Um, and so that is what, what one is listening to. And what we, what is we play in our Sunday services?

Will & Karen: So you mentioned the Bible earlier and Catholicism or Christianity as a whole, that's their, that's their map, their way forward, their, lessons of how to be, of the right, live the right life. Does the theory of society have anything similar that, informs the membership that this is what we believe, this is what we are trying to achieve, this is how we want to move this thing forward, or is it mostly these transmissions that you're talking about?

Paul: the fundamental tenet [00:28:00] of the ethereal society. And in this sense, you could say it was the fundamental tenant of the transmissions being communicated through him, although it goes much broader than this, and you could even say it's the fundamental tenet of the whole universe is service.

or, to use an unpopular word is sacrifice. the whole of manifestation, conscious manifestation is sacrificing itself. The galaxy is sacrificing itself so that lesser life streams within the galaxy can gain experience because that's what it's all about. We are all here to gain experience.

and fundamentally experience of God

this thing. We're all a part of, and it just gets more and more and more exquisite. This [00:29:00] is the great irony of it. We're delaying our bliss. If you like, we're delaying our joy. We're delaying our understanding. Of this fundamental soul journey that we're all making.

It gets more and more and more, incredible. and in that sense, I suppose, ecstatic. but way to attain it. is by giving up of oneself as Jesus actually taught himself. I can't remember the exact quote. It's been too long ago, but, um, to essentially lose yourself and in losing yourself.

you gain freedom?

Will & Karen: Well, you just answered my next question was going to be, why would these extraterrestrial beings have a stake in what happens to us? You just mentioned it, right? The sacrifice, they believe in sacrificing of themselves to help other lesser, beings Grow and ascend.

Paul: Well, I understand you're a married couple. I don't know if I'm a [00:30:00] married man. I don't know if you have children, but good for you. Right. Well, I, I'm sure it goes utterly without saying you love your daughter and you beyond doubt and you do anything for your daughter.

Will & Karen: Absolutely anything. Yes.

Paul: Right. And it's a little bit the same with these cosmic intelligences. They love us not as their children, but as a part of themselves, a part of this same wholeness. And the more realization one has, the more one realizes that it is all a part of this infinite oneness. And that, anything that suffers, and we suffer on humanity, as you could say, is almost entirely self inflicted.


pains them. with your child. Your child has, or children have to learn for themselves. We have to learn for us. They can't just intervene and go and tidy our own bedroom and do our maths project and, and [00:31:00] everything else. They can't, they can't do it for us.

They can give us the tools. that enable us to do it for ourselves. And that is how these, you see, the essential, the essential energy of creation of God, I spell that G O D, I'll spell this out, it's L O V E, it's L O V E,

Will & Karen: Right.

Paul: in great cosmic sense of what this energy is. And that's, that runs through the entire gamut.

Will & Karen: So they must feel right now like, you know, when you're, you're seeing your daughter make the worst mistake of their life is every day they must be like, what? Oh my God. I mean, there's, you know, there's the really great people and maybe they have, you know, The beings that are part of them and then someone has Hitler and they get the shim sham.

It's like, whoa, it's like, it's you should know [00:32:00] better by now. How old are you? How you, you should know better by now. And yet here we are making the same mistakes over and over and over again.

Paul: Well, that brings in a very important point. we haven't mentioned my book. the wonderful, I say wonderful. I'm the author of it. Uh, Maya, Maya, Maya, Maya.

Will & Karen: very, very objective opinion, of course.

Paul: of course. Yes, indeed. Um, although I'm seeing it, I'm getting some rather nice reviews on Amazon,

Will & Karen: Oh,

Paul: um, but thank you. But, coming back to what you were just saying, our understanding is that we've had two previous civilizations on, uh, Atlantis and before that Lemuria but both of which we destroyed through the intense misuse of atomic energy, atomic power, nuclear bombs, etc.

Uh, we even go further than that and say we actually destroyed a planet upon which we over 18 million years ago called Maldek, all that remains of Maldek is the asteroid belt. So they can see us repeating the same mistakes, particularly, I mean flying saucers were [00:33:00] most commonly cited.

Right after the second world war because what had we done we'd unleashed the atom once again We dropped we created atom bombs in the cold war. We went far further in developing the hydrogen bomb Um, which was a thousand times, you know more powerful than the atom bomb. We've done this before we did it in atlantis We've done it in lemuria and they could see us as children making that same crazy mistake And yet we can't you see it's not just about us it's also about the earth.

The earth is a living, highly evolved conscious intelligence who has literally had to put up with, or not put up, she's accepted the incarnation of mankind because we destroyed Maldek. So we need, we had to have somewhere to go. She said, all right, you can come here. I'll hold myself back while you, Go through this very slow process of [00:34:00] reincarnation.

but she can't hold herself back indefinitely.

Will & Karen: Right. She must be incredibly pissed off right now. Yeah.

Paul: We could be happy that cosmic intelligences don't get, shall we say, pissed off. They're too

Will & Karen: Shoo! Dodged that one. Oh my gosh.

Will: let's take a break and we'll be right back.



Will: And now back to the skeptic metaphysicians.


Will & Karen: throughout history, People have seen angels and, even in the New Age movement, people talk about guides and, intelligences that are conglomerations of beings in the other dimensions who are here to help us.

Are we talking about the same thing here?

Paul: I think we are, essentially, yes. I mean, it might be a bit blurred, but [00:35:00] it's essentially the same thing.

Will & Karen: That makes sense.

Paul: beings, more evolved beings on other dimensions, whether they're around this earth or upon other, other planets.

Will & Karen: So why do you think that all of the movies that talk about, well, I would say like 98 percent of the movies that talk about the extraterrestrial beings are all horror?

Paul: That's another wonderful question, Karen, you see, the point is, not everything in in the universe is, beneficent, if that is the right word. There are, in beings intelligences and very powerful intelligences that, do not, I mean, why do we have wars?

We have wars and, and crime and everything because there are intelligences, we would call them black magicians. There is a force of evil, that does, seek to manipulate conditions upon earth to construe situations [00:36:00] where, we war with each other. We cheat on each other, we push drugs on each other.

crime in all its aspects. And it's very feasible. I don't want to malign the movie industry at all, because there are also some other wonderful movies, but these darker forces are seeking in a very negative way to, sow seeds in humanity of, a negative nature.

It, what's important is for us. and we can do this by sort of getting in touch with our own intuition or our own conscience in no, I reject that. don't accept that. and instead invoke the energy and the essence love, and a greater cosmic wisdom and kindness. So to that extent, I would say that humanity.

is and has been, in a conflict. And it's, you could say it's what's behind the myth of [00:37:00] the Garden of Eden. It's what's behind Lemuria. It's what's behind, Atlantis. It's what's behind, uh, the destruction of Malde. That, powerful negative influence does exist, and it's for each and every single one of us as an individual to be mindful and conscious of that and get in touch with, as I say, one's own intuitive sense.

Of what's right and wrong. For me, you know, it was reading the four Gospels. Ah, ah, ah. Here I recognize, okay, someone who understands. And I fortunately took the steps to adhere to that and follow that. But many people don't.

Will & Karen: Right. So while I tried to get a grip on the fact that you said two of Karen's questions were really good and not a single time have you said mine have been

Paul: Well, I did appreciate your summation at the very beginning

Will & Karen: Yes. You got that. All right. All right. I'll give you that. But, uh, it is interesting because the more, [00:38:00] the deeper I go down this path of awakening, the less I can actually, I'm, I don't want to say tolerating, but that's probably the only word I will.

There was one show. That I started watching very recently and halfway through it, I'm like, I just, I can't, I can't, this feels, it is so, the energies are so negative. It's just so, it was so uncomfortable for me that I literally, and I'm, I'm a TV guy and I'm a movie guy. That's what I do for a living. I had to walk away and not look back because it was so uncomfortable.

And the more awake quote unquote I become, the less I tolerate those kinds of things. I used to love. Horror movies. I was a big horror movie fan. Friday the 13th when I was growing up, Nightmare on Elm Street, all those movies. Psycho. I can't watch them anymore. It's too much for me and I think it's probably because my energies, my resonance doesn't align with those types of frequencies anymore.

At least, I like to tell [00:39:00] myself that.

Paul: let me bring you up almost to Karen's level there, Will.

Will & Karen: there.

Paul: No, no, no, I think she's still ahead on points, but I think that that sentiment, you've touched on something extremely important, because again, there is this awakening that's going on. I mentioned Lemura, I mentioned Atlantis, I mentioned the fact that the earth is a living being who's withheld herself.

That can only be done karmically for a certain period of time. That time has been reached. The earth has been given a tremendous infusion of energy. If you want to know more about that, you will have to literally read the book. Things are changing. Things are quickening on earth. They're quickening, and I think we can all recognize it, in every sphere, on every level.

And we are being called upon, each and every one of us, to hear that inner voice of conscience and truth that is speaking to every single one of us. [00:40:00] it goes without saying. that there is this awakening that's taking place. hopefully that, well, there's a growing awareness and in this growing awareness, beginning to sort of shatter the, culture, of the political scene, the economic scene.

I don't want to go into a political scene because it's bigger than that. I would sum it up by saying, The only crisis we have on earth is not a political crisis. It's not an economic or even an environmental crisis. It's a spiritual crisis. We have a spiritual crisis on earth because we've lost that spiritual connection as an individual with literally with the cosmos, with our environment, with every living thing.

And that connection, the quickening is forcing us to become far more aware of that divine connection.

Will & Karen: If I wasn't tied up with cables and microphones [00:41:00] and all, I would stand up and give you a standing ovation because that is absolutely amazing. an excellent summation. And that's a hundred, I could not, mean, to say I couldn't agree more. It's just so it doesn't even come close to covering how I feel about it because you're absolutely right.

When you look at the political problems that we're having, especially even in this country right now, let alone the whole entire world, it's when that's a very surface level thing. When you look deeper into it, what's causing these divisions, it is, it is a falling out. of connection with spirituality and a, a quickening of that mentality, that mindset of scarcity that has become so widespread that now there's this fissure happening between those that are awakening and realizing, Oh yes, we are one and we need to help each other.

And those that say, Nope, I'm in it for myself. Well, I think that's that I'm in it for myself. That's part of it because I think as we've lost the connection, [00:42:00] there's that, deep sort of loneliness or that aloneness or it's only me and people don't know how to deal with that. Right. And so you're banding with people that might not necessarily be the right type of people or something, but it's something that that's familiar that you can hang on to.

it's tough, man. It's a really hard situation right now. So how do you get through that? How do you, how do you reach the people that, are so separated, so disconnected from who they really are?

Paul: we can do is be our authentic selves. I know that's a cliche. But I think that the more honest we are as individuals, the more brave we are as individuals. In other words, when I say brave, to actually speak our truth without fear. and because what's behind that sense of bravery is, the essence of love.

and so the, as I say, the more authentic and genuine and honest we are, the more others will recognize that. respond to [00:43:00] that. It's when we live in fear, that we're in danger. So it's to come out of that speak one's truth, so to speak.

Will & Karen: And I think we have to really make a conscious effort for that. And it's almost like, um, they say it takes about 14 days for something to become a habit or 14 weeks, 14 something, but like seconds longer than that. like for example, like today in traffic. You know, I used to get really frustrated when I would get cut off or this, and I, I still do from time to time, but I have made this conscious effort to think, I wonder if something's going on with them.

I wonder if they're going to the hospital. I wonder if, you know, maybe, maybe something's going on and I don't know about it. So now that's almost my first reaction and it just feels better because I don't get angry. Right. There's a difference. You are an angel on this planet where we're just regular human beings walking trying to get through life So it's easier for you to think that way for me I'm like, well, how dare they think of no one but themselves and [00:44:00] block the whole traffic lane But it took an effort it took me consciously thinking about that, you know, but you thought about it I did whereas I'm just like this guy doesn't know what he's doing I don't ever think that way.

I'm here to remind you. Well, let's take a moment and actually dive into your book, because that's something I'd absolutely want to make sure we, touch on. We've talked a lot about the theory of society. We've talked about these extraterrestrial beings that are here to sacrifice themselves to help us to ascend.

But what we haven't really touched on too much was how much time you spent in close contact. contact with Dr. King. being with someone that is that enlightened and that connected must have been astounding. First of all, do you touch on that at all in your book? no levitation,

Paul: I mean, the most unusual, in other words, sort of, unhuman [00:45:00] or uncommon. Certainly experiences I ever had were in the presence of Dr George King. As you rightly mentioned, I had the opportunity to be his one of his personal assistants in the latter years of his life. what drew me there, what took me there, was my taking all of this very seriously, more seriously than the orthodox route, as you say in America, through life.

why I made that choice, uh, as a, I mean, because all of my sort of friends, who are interesting, now getting their own copies of Maya Mara and saying, look what happened to Paul. But, um, Which is wonderful, and it's what's even more wonderful is the fact that we've remained friends throughout all of these years, but, No, I didn't take the so called orthodox conventional route through life.

I was seeking a higher truth, and when I came across Dr. George King and the Aetherius [00:46:00] Society, I, put it first and foremost, and, it culminated with me being, uh, as I say, one of his personal assistants. And yes, I did have, when I say unusual, certainly, uh, unconventional, in other words, sort of cosmic experiences, something that were, you know, you could say, not of this world, but in saying that.

And this was a hallmark of Dr. King. He was as down to earth as you could come. He was very down. His feet were on the ground. He wasn't here for party tricks. Some yoga masters, you know, they'll sort of do this. He, George King could do party tricks, but we're not here for party. It's, it's, it's more serious than party tricks.

Will & Karen: no bilocation, no astral projection,

Paul: Well, there was, was bilocation. Um, I certainly didn't personally witness, [00:47:00] levitation. although I'm sure he could have done that. for your listeners, I really hope you'll read the book because Dr. George King, we understand, we certainly believe was one of three cosmic intelligences who took on human form, for a very essential purpose.

I mentioned that, you know, Jesus, and Buddha, but certainly Jesus was here. Yes, he taught, but he was actually here to perform a major cosmic manipulation, karmic manipulation. Dr. George King and the other two avatars or adepts, as we refer to them. who came to this earth were here to, we talked about earlier on about evil magicians, look, they go to the lower astral realms.

Yes, we have the higher realms, but there are lower astral realms. There are denizens of black magicians. And as we go into this new world, those, so called, cannot be allowed to exist. they're extraordinarily powerful. They've manipulated [00:48:00] much of what plays out on the surface of this earth, including, you could say, the crucifixion of Christ.

And Dr. King, as one of these three adepts or three intelligences, adepts, avatars from other worlds, came here for a very definite purpose. to clean out the very worst of the lower astral realms to free the chains. if you like, that have bound humanity to this ignorance, because everything is changing, everything is being shifted.

I've said enough to give a cue to reading far more about it, in my book Maya Mire.

Will & Karen: So it's called Maya,

Paul: Maya Mire. Maya is a Sanskrit word for illusion, Uh, and yes, and Mire as in quagmire. and it's the quagmire of illusion that we have existed in dating all the way back, if you like to, the, so-called Garden of Eden.[00:49:00]

Uh, it's the ignorance of humanity, but it's being shifted. It's being changed. We are awake. There's a great cosmic awakening that's going on. and uh, you know, I try to sort of. elaborate on that in the book.

Will & Karen: Maya Mire. That makes perfect sense. I am hoping that so many people who are listening right now will go out and get the book because it sounds fascinating, but I am thrilled. to plant my flag in the ground and claim I am the first to buy the book the minute we hang up this call, because I am absolutely intrigued.

So thank you so much for that. Where can someone find it if they wanted to purchase it?

Paul: you can also put another flag in the ground together with, Karen, that you are holding this, interview in the very first week that the book has been published. Uh,

Will & Karen: right.

Paul: yeah, is, needless to say, available on Amazon.

and the more people who will go and buy it and on [00:50:00] Amazon and the more people who will give it a rating, I don't think it necessarily has has to be five stars. I'll accept five stars, but it doesn't happen.

Will & Karen: mean, okay, fine.

Paul: but but that, as I understand, Algorithms and everything else will have a bearing on how book distributors and all the rest of it pick up the book But it is certainly Available on Amazon and you'll get it within a day or two.

Will & Karen: Wonderful. Great. We're gonna make sure that we put a direct link in our show notes. So if you're interested in Maya Meyer, all you need to do is go to skeptic me physician dot com. go to his episode page and you'll see the, direct link laid out there in our show notes.

So it makes it super easy for you to, to access the book. And then if someone wanted to reach out to you to learn more about the Ethe Society or just to know more about you, what's the best place for someone to do that? Well,

Paul: you really want to know more about me I do actually have my own website Which is called [00:51:00] sediment of my soul dot com. but otherwise go to I mean, uh, the main website, or Dr. George and you'll find more about Dr. George King and the, and, and the Ethere Society.

Will & Karen: I did go down a very deep rabbit hole when I started researching for this show and I would urge anyone to look into it because we literally mean to say we just scratched the surface is not even giving it enough notice. There's so much about the theory society that is so astounding. inspiring. will say one of the first things I looked at was, is Ethereal Society a scam or a cult?

Because, you know, unfortunately there's a lot of folks out there who are trying to take advantage of people. And what I found, I'm thrilled to say, is none of the above. So, I am grateful for you coming on the show and helping us to understand about the society, which I. admittedly had never heard of before, but now I'm thrilled to [00:52:00] know about and to give us a glimpse into that side of things.

There's so much more I could have asked you because I know that you really, you really mix the, the scientific with the spiritual, which is right up my alley, but there's so much. For you to explore and learn about the theory of society. So if you're interested at all, we're going to head and put those links and our show notes as well.

So you can have access to those. So any last words before we, we say

Paul: Well, I'm glad you asked me that. Will, and by asking me that excellent question, you've, you've put yourself on par.

Will & Karen: we go.

Paul: made it, the finish line you've made because. The only thing that I, that I would raise or question is why, and you don't have to answer this, why there is the word skeptic, in your title, because I think that you are both, wonderfully open to these much broader, concepts.

Will & Karen: Well, I will return [00:53:00] the favor and say that is an excellent question, Paul, and I will go ahead and answer it because there are people who might be listening right now who may not be aware. When we first started the show, I was very much a skeptic. I asked those questions about, come on, were you high? Like were you, have you been drinking?

How do you know this stuff? How could it be possible? So I was, I was, I was always trying to find the way forward because I wanted to believe. I really, truly wanted to, to know that this. Stuff was real over the course of the years of doing the show. I've Very confident that there is no reason to be skeptical However, those that are listening right now might be so we feel there was a point where we're gonna change the name of the show Because we would no longer fit.

However, we talked about it and we felt no No, we're gonna keep it because now metaphysicians. Our audience is

Paul: Right. Yeah, very good.

Will & Karen: And there is the answer to your excellent question. [00:54:00] Very excellent.

Paul: all get the prize. We all get the first prize for our questions.

Will & Karen: know what? We talked about scarcity mentality. This is not the environment here. We are all about sharing the kudos and the wealth and the prizes.

So we all get, we all get first place. So, Paul, thank you so, so much. It was an absolute pleasure having you on the show and hopefully we'll, we'll stay in touch.

Paul: Likewise. Thank you so very much for for this conversation. I've loved it.

Will: And a huge thank you to you. We know that there are tons of options out there and having you decide to come along on our journey of discovery with us is an absolute honor for us. We hope you've enjoyed this conversation as much as we have. If you did and you feel called to give back, we invite you to visit our website at SkepticMetaphysician.

com where you can donate to the show or subscribe as a member through our Buy Me a Coffee campaign. Your support will go a long way towards allowing Karen and I to bring you these wonderful conversations and teachings in more and more robust ways. Well, that's all for [00:55:00] now, but we'll see you on the next episode of The Skeptic Metaphysician. Until then, take care.

Paul Nugent Profile Photo

Paul Nugent

Paul Edward Nugent was born in Cambridge, England, in 1958 and brought up in the Church of England, culminating in regular worship and charitable work for the homeless at London’s famous St. Martin-in-the-Fields church in Trafalgar Square, sometimes called “the Parish Church of England.” Having completed a business degree in 1980, he embarked on a four-year study of Eastern philosophy and spent two periods at the New Age community of Findhorn in the north of Scotland. At the same time he was introduced to the cosmic teachings of The Aetherius Society, founded in London in 1955 by Western master of yoga, Dr. George King, becoming a member of the organization in 1986. In 1990 he moved permanently to the Society’s American headquarters in Los Angeles, where, in 1992, he became a personal assistant to Dr. King remaining at his side until Dr. King’s passing in July, 1997. Nugent has been a director of The Aetherius Society since 2001. Since 2024 he has lived in Michigan with his wife, Yuriko.