Channeling the Wisdom of Joshua
Channeling the Wisdom of Joshua
This episode is part two of an eye opening interview with Gary Temple Bodley, that ushers in Joshua, a group of non physical teachers that …
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Channeling the Wisdom of Joshua

Channeling the Wisdom of Joshua

This episode is part two of an eye opening interview with Gary Temple Bodley, that ushers in Joshua, a group of non physical teachers that Gary is fortunate enough to channel. Though you don't necessarily have to go back and listen to part one to really benefit from everything that Joshua says, it might actually help you frame things when we do go down that road.

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In this episode, part two of an insightful interview, Will and Karen continue their conversation with Gary Temple Bodley, focusing on his channeling of Joshua, a group of non-physical teachers. Gary discusses his personal journey into channeling, including his initial skepticism and eventual acceptance. Joshua provides guidance on shifting from a victim mentality to a creator mindset, deepening spiritual practices, and pushing past fears. The episode offers a blend of practical wisdom and profound spiritual insights, encouraging listeners to embrace their true roles and trust their journeys.

(Times are approximate)
00:00 Introduction and Recap of Part One
02:16 Gary Temple Bodley's Journey
05:04 The Emergence of Joshua
09:13 Joshua's Teachings and Impact
11:36 Joshua's Message to the Hosts
18:25 Deepening Spiritual Practices
20:29 Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
21:09 The Power of Perspective
22:14 Shifting from Fear to Love
23:16 Listener Review and Feedback
25:31 Advice for Overcoming Setbacks
29:50 Creating Your Own Reality
32:32 Manifesting Financial Abundance
35:07 Pushing Past Fear

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Follow Gary on Instagram: @joshuateachings or Facebook: @teachingsofjoshua

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Will: [00:00:00] Hey everyone, it's Will. In our last episode, we had the pleasure of chatting with Gary Temple Bodley on all kinds of topics. We dove into things like aligning one's life with the forces of the universe, manifesting abundance, health, and well being, and even discovering our soul's purpose. Gary shared his journey and discussed how shifting perspectives, Managing limiting beliefs and embracing one's role as the creator of their own reality can really transform lives.

Our intent during that interview was to usher in Joshua, a group of non physical teachers that Gary is fortunate enough to channel, but the episode ran long. So, we had to split the interview into two parts. So this episode that you're currently listening to is part two of that eye opening interview with Gary.

And this is where we do actually speak with Joshua themselves. And though you don't necessarily have to go back and listen to part one to really benefit from everything that Joshua says, it might actually help you frame things when we do [00:01:00] go down that road. Now you don't want to miss Joshua's messages as they did provide guidance on are shifting from victim mentality to creator mindset. And they even offer advice for deepening spiritual practices. And then of course, they help us to frame life into perspective when they encourage us to push past fears and embrace our true role as messengers and souls on our own individual paths.

We loved this conversation and we hope that you find it as insightful and valuable as we did. So, what do you say? Let's start the show right now.


Welcome back to the Skeptic Metaphysicians. And we are talking. I don't know if talking is the right word. We are experiencing Gary Temple Bodley, who is a Chandler who channels Joshua. And yet little has been said about Joshua the entire show up until this point, because Gary himself is so full of wisdom, probably because you have been channeling Joshua for over 10 years, right?

Will & Karen: A decade of this type of wisdom coming through you. And the timeliness of the messages have been incredible. However, Karen has been kicking me under the table the entire time, because she wants me to ask the question that she asked right before the break, and I'm going to let her tee it up again now.

Karen: Who is Joshua?

Will & Karen: Gary, who is Joshua?

Karen & Will: [00:03:00] Yeah.

Gary: totally normal guy my whole life. And so my wife and I were in business and we had restaurants and lots of real estate businesses and mortgage and real estate and title and all that. And we were doing great and living fabulous life in South Florida. And we lost everything in 2008. And it wasn't bad though.

It turned out amazing. But anyway, so we're living in our friend's house. It was the most amazing house. Just, you look back and you like, this is how could this even have happened? But anyway, our friend, Debra Jo brought us the secret and something resonated really big with that. And, you know, I just watched that a little while ago.

It still stands up. It's, it's pretty good, but we listened over and over and over again. And then in our own library, we're done with that. We find asking this given by Abraham. We had bought this and had it and never really got into it. But now suddenly we're into it. We're listening to that. Then we go to an Abraham conference and then [00:04:00] she finds her passion.

I find my passion and for just having a ball and we moved to Palm beach and rent this really cute little house. Everything's going great. So we had actually bought a house and got owner financing, even though our credit was shot and this house was a big deal. Perfect house for us. We renovated, it became a dream house and I'm sitting here in this dream house and I get this huge inspiration to start meditating and I was very against meditating.

I didn't want to be alone with my thoughts. My thoughts were all over the place. So I heard Jerry Seinfeld and a bunch of other people were meditating and finally I go, okay, I do it, got to do it with the Abraham guide meditation. So. Literally, I would sit there and I could go like five minutes at first and really struggle through it.

But in about two weeks, I could do the whole 15 minutes. And right there, I felt a presence in my head, like a buzzing on the side of my head, moving around while I was meditating.

Karen & Will: Ooh.

Gary: And I didn't know if this was unusual or it happened all the time, but it kept happening every time I started, would last the whole time, would move [00:05:00] around on the left side of my head.

And I should go this way. And One day I just started asking, asking a question like you would Abraham in the hot seat. And I got these amazing answers back. And I'm like, okay, this is not me. I'm like, this is something else. And I would just play with it. I wouldn't tell anyone. I thought it was crazy. And one day I just said, who is this?

And they said, we are Joshua like that. And I'm like, well, that's sort of sounds like Abraham. So that's not too far off. But at the time I thought, Esther was the only channel in the world. I had never heard of another channel. I'm like, this can't be happening to me. And so I, so that was the summer of 2013 started meditating.

And then on November 15th, 2013, in meditation, they said, get up and go right, right, right. So I got up out cause I meditate in bed, got up to bed. It was in the morning, went to my home office, closed the doors. Turned on my computer, just started [00:06:00] typing for a half hour, typed three pages and it was, I didn't really understand it while it was going in my mind.

It didn't make any sense at all. But then when I read it back, it goes, this is pretty interesting. And then that night, Deborah, Joe and Frank and Lily, we had a dinner party. And after dinner, I gave it to them and they're like, this is, you know, they're in the Abraham two. This is amazing. Unbelievable. That was the introduction to the first book.

And I went back, wrote half hour to 45 minutes every day for eight weeks. The first book, a perception of reality, 300 pages was completed perfectly in eight weeks. The day that Was finished the next book, health, wealth, and love started 300 pages, eight weeks. So in 16 weeks I had two books.

Karen & Will: Wow.

Gary: And then one thing led to another.

I got, you know, started to met Jules Johnson, started a podcast, went on a [00:07:00] lot of attraction cruise with speaker on this cruise was channeling by writing for a long time. Jules hypnotized me on that cruise. I started speaking Joshua, then started another podcast, Joshua live, nine years ago. And. Just like everything just kept snowballing and I'm inundated cause I'm doing this every single day.

Right. then I have a course it's called the bootcamp. Christie is one of the people that take the bootcamp people take the bootcamp is the eight way course. You take it over and over and over again until you understand the whole thing, cause it's really, really deep. says she took it for the eighth time.

And the eighth time was like, okay, I think I got this now. A month later. She gets her first dead person, right? And we're at Thanksgiving here, one of her friend's grandmothers comes through, and she didn't know what it was, but she has aphantasia, do you know what that is?

visualize anything, like [00:08:00] imagine anything visually, like if I said, imagine a lemon tree on a field with bluebirds in it, right?

She can't picture that. Now, all of a sudden she's picturing grandmother and an apron cooking apple pie at a stove, and is able to explain this to people and then communicate these messages. And so, you know, so she starts doing this and a whole bunch of other people who've done the boot camp start getting, you know, healing abilities and clear cognizance and all this other stuff.

We all have these empathic abilities who knew, right. And as you become more spiritually aware, more awake, more of a higher perspective of yourself, these naturally come in line for all of us. Unfortunately, they're never what you want them to be. You know, like if you could choose something, I want to [00:09:00] be telepathic.

No, that's not for you. You get to speak light language or something.

Will & Karen: Right. Like, I, I want to ask what you acted and said, no, you get to message.

Gary: Right.

Will & Karen: son.

Gary: Exactly. Yeah. So Joshua is a group of non physical teachers. They're, you know, they're, they're, They're, they, or whoever's part of the group, like if I'm channeling to a big group of people, it's everyone else's in ourselves joining in, it's all part, but they're interested in the evolution of consciousness of humans.

And so they're cheerleaders and coaches and, you know, teachers and these sorts of things.

Will & Karen: No, you mentioned earlier that sometimes it's etheric beings and sometimes it's just regular human people. Which one does Joshua fall

Gary: Joshua's all non physical, etheric, you know, yeah, these are, these are all talking from a point [00:10:00] of no, it's almost like, you know, I can't say that they are relatively practical because these teachings are very practical about how to live life. But they have, you know, there's no duality there. Here's the first words that were ever written. Everything is right. There is no wrong anywhere in the universe. Anything seen as wrong comes from a limited perspective, but from a higher perspective, whether that's after a bit of time or from the non physical, everything is always, always right. the only possibility, like from non physical, there is no, Good, bad isn't it's neutral.

There is no wrong. They see everything as perfect. And that's the perspective of our inner selves. That's their perspective. And as we tune to that perspective, we shift our vibration.

Will & Karen: so I'm curious. To [00:11:00] see now that we know who Joshua are do you think they might be interested in coming out and saying hello?

Gary: Oh, you're kidding. They are saying, why am I speaking this whole time? Right? Yeah. So what I'll do is I'll set my intentions, quiet myself. They'll come through. They'll say, we're thrilled to be here. And then they'll. Talk a little ramble on for a little bit and then you can ask questions

Karen & Will: perfect.

Gary: it goes as long as you want to go.

Karen & Will: Okay.

Gary: Okay

Karen & Will: All right.

Gary: thrilled To be here. What we'd like to say is that you might think you're a skeptic You might think you're not a little wool, but you're at one of the highest perspectives of human of humans on earth You don't really realize this yet. You don't realize the impact of your role in As broadcasters [00:12:00] of bringing on guests and sharing this information, the ripple effect of what you're doing is beyond anything you could possibly imagine.

You are surrounded by infinite love, loved ones, Guides, supporters, you are a dyad and you have come together at this time specifically to spread these ideas, ideas that were not readily available, not easily transmissible. Prior to this time, you've used your inspiration, this technology, your passion interest to do what gives you joy.

And this is the key to everything to spread joy by doing it your way, whatever you want to do. You're not on a mission to change the world. You're not on a mission. You are curious, and this is your interest and passion. You are pursuing this because why not? Because you are worthy of this. This is your [00:13:00] role and we can't.

Explain in words, the impact that you're having on the mass consciousness of the planet. And with that, we'd like to talk to you about anything you'd like to talk about. Where'd you like to start?

Karen, what do you got?

Karen: 100 percent believe and feel and agree with the spreading of the joy. I think joy is the miracle of life. I think it is. It's a force of creation and it's so important, so impactful and we're, we're, we're little by little forgetting that and we have to remember, we have to remember that.

Gary: You have to understand the way that you're doing it too. It's so authentic. No one has any doubt that you're interested. That you're learning, that you're trying, that you are seeking joy, that you're immersed in the illusion like everyone else, that you're so relatable. There's no accident [00:14:00] about this.

You're on your journey simultaneous with everyone else's journey. And you're aiding the elevation of perspective of all your listeners and all your friends and all the people around you. Everyone who, who looks at you. And you won't. possibly understand the impact that you're having because that is a little bit beyond your belief system right now.

But as you see yourself as this is who you are, this is why you came. This is your journey. This is your expedition. There is no one else who can do this the way that you're doing it. And every single thing you're doing is perfect. Whether you agree with people, disagree with people, have an issue with this, an issue with that, this is what makes this transmission so effective.

Karen: And how can we do it more

Karen & Will: better?

Gary: Do one of these podcasts every single day of your life, but that wouldn't be fun. Do [00:15:00] it whenever you're inspired to do it, do it the way you want to do it. You are getting everything you want the way you're doing it. Now you're getting everything you need. You're shifting your perspective with every episode, with every conversation.

And the lives are changing of those who are listening to the show. They are attracting more. You're attracting more. There's nowhere you need to go. This doesn't have to be anything more than this is to have the impact. The key here is. If you have an ideal and you say, I think it would be great to have this.

I think it'd be good to get to this benchmark or to have this kind of income or to do this. That's from your human physical perspective where you are now. Imagine who you will be in five years. Remember who you were five years ago, the journey to get where you are now, to go from skeptic to [00:16:00] believer, imagine where you'll be in five years, in five years from that perspective, you can't even possibly imagine what you'll want from there.

Let this move and flow exactly as it appeals to you. Keep that interest and curiosity, but there's no agenda. There's no fixing of any problem. There's no needing to be anything different than you are. To understand that the two of you Together, in this completely authentic arrangement, cannot be done by anyone else.

You've done it perfectly. Every decision you've ever made was perfectly made to lead you to where you are now. Trust everything that you want to do in the future. And when you make a decision together, never look back and second guess that.

Will & Karen: So then what I'm [00:17:00] hearing you say, correct me if I'm wrong, Joshua, is that you have to let go, let go of expectations, let go of. mean, really expectations, right? Because we would never have expected to be where we are right now when we first started the show. So, uh, let it all come as it's supposed to be, in perfect order.

Gary: What we would say is that when you form an ideal in your imagination, It is based on the perspective of where you are now, which is limited compared to the perspective of where you will be. Essentially, you do not know what you truly want. Imagine that you're receiving inspiration all the time. Guests are showing up.

Synchronicities are happening. Issues in your life correspond to what the guest has to say. How does this all happen? You couldn't have planned that. It all works out perfectly. Imagine that that's what's always going to happen. So [00:18:00] when you hold an ideal out there, that ideal then becomes a point of focus.

And it could cause you to say, we're doing well or not doing well. It could cause you to have some judgment, but if you let go of the outcome, if you let go of this meaning anything, then you're free to be authentically who you are and follow the true inspiration that's coming to you from your inner self, guides and supporters.

Will & Karen: speaking of the guides and supporters, because really our, what we feel our guides and our supporters are the people who listen to the show, our community.

What advice could you give someone other than what you have already given, which is to just trust that everything is in perfect order. But if someone wanted to deepen their. spiritual practice or get closer to their own guides or expand their consciousness. What's the best way to move that forward as quickly as possible?

Gary: This is a game of perspective. [00:19:00] The perspective shift from victim, meaning you believe that outside conditions and people can make you feel something. This is a feeling reality. All you're ever doing is feeling something. When you believe that the outside can jet. Outside conditions and people cause you to feel something either good or bad.

Then you give up all your power to these conditions. Now, these conditions are simply formed around the vibration you're offering. They're there for a reason. They're there to show you who you think you are. That's all that's happening in these conditions. As you change your perspective of yourself in your reality, from limited to more empowered, this reality will feel different to you.

May look the same, maybe completely different, but it will feel better. No longer will you get upset? No longer will you get annoyed? No longer will you be in so much fear? No longer will you be in the lower densities of fear. [00:20:00] You will shift out of those lower densities, these actual pressurized densities into higher, lighter, easier densities where you have more connection to your inner self.

More clarity, feel better, more alignment, and more inspiration. You'll then receive the inspiration, be able to push past the fear, and take action to have an experience. The experience teaches. Those who are in fear will notice. They are saying no a lot. No to opportunities, no to invitations, no to things.

They want to stay small because they have an innate fear that an experience could lead to some form of negative emotion. For instance, failure. I'm not going to try this thing because if I fail, I'll feel negative emotion as if the outside conditions can make them feel anything. They are choosing [00:21:00] to allow a limiting belief to be triggered by negative And then in response, feel something, perceiving that the outside conditions make them feel something.

It's perspective. When you realize that you're the creator of your reality. That you can be, do, and have everything or anything you want in this reality. But first you have to be. Then you have to do, and then you can have, if you aren't going to allow yourself to change your beliefs, to be something different, to expand your identity, to understand things are a little bit different.

Those of you who are listening right now or at a level where you realize. That there is a way to change a set of beliefs. There is a way to modulate those beliefs. [00:22:00] There is a way to see yourself. From a slightly higher perspective today than you did yesterday. And as you do, that translates into a vibration that reflects back a completely new reality. Now, the point of this is that everyone is moving from fear to love. This is how you do it. You are aware that you're the creator of your reality. You become aware that everything is happening for you. Sometimes to point out a limiting belief. Sometimes that doesn't feel good. But that catches your attention. When it catches your attention, you can do something about the belief. You know that you have, everyone has a belief about flying. But if they let that belief limit them, they will never act on the inspiration to fly, as Gary said earlier. You can do that with every single belief that you have that's limiting you from [00:23:00] living the life you intended to live.

Will: let's take a break and we'll be right back.


Hey there, we have another five star review to share with you. This time is from Apple Podcasts by someone by the name of Shmoofet. Shmoofet. I know I love that name too. Anyway, the topic of the review is giving us such hope during these challenging times and hope is in capital letters.

Will: So I hope you felt the intensity when I read that just now. Well, they go on to say, I listen to a lot of different podcasts, but my very favorite podcast is the Skeptic Manifestations. I search for the newest episode before searching others. It always leaves me feeling more connected and grounded. Each episode provides me with different tools to use during these times.

I feel more hopeful than ever that the world will be [00:24:00] okay. I just finished listening to The Secret That's Holding You Back while I was at the gym. I couldn't wait to get home to order his book. Last week, I listened to the episode that talked about the Harmonic Egg. I was thrilled to find a Harmonic Egg in Niagara Falls, Canada, which is only 20 minutes away.

My first appointment is this Thursday. Thank you so much. For everything that you do, and P. S. I also love the episode with the amazing Robin. Heather from Wheeland, Ontario. Well, apparently Heather also goes by Shmufet. So Heather, Shmufet, Whichever you want to go by, we love the fact that you took the time to send us this review on Apple Podcasts.

It really does go a long way towards helping others to understand that the show is actually really, really cool to listen to. So, Heather, Shmufet, Shmufet, Heather, thanks again. And if you'd like to hear your review right on the air, just go to Apple Podcasts like Heather did, and leave us a five star review there, and you might just hear your Review read on the air. Of course, you can always go to [00:25:00] skepticmetaphysician. com You can actually leave us a review there But the most important thing about going there is that we would love to hear from you you can send us an email or a voicemail you can record a voicemail directly from the Website and you might just hear your voice on the skeptic metaphysicians episode in the future So love to hear from you.

Don't be shy. We really appreciate hearing from all of our listeners. For those who are making their way out of fear and into the vibrations of love, but sometimes fall back as we all do when we make mistakes and when we stumble, what advice would you tell them so that they don't give up?

Gary: It doesn't matter if you do or not. When you return to the non physical, you will look on this life as perfect. You will have expanded exactly as you intended to [00:26:00] expand. You will be overjoyed with how wonderful this life turned out. There will be not one iota of regret in it, but if you want to feel better while living this life, then you can.

You can choose to process limiting belief. You can choose to expand your belief system. You can choose to entertain the idea that you could be the creator of your reality and things could be working out for you. That simple choice. I choose to be the creator of my reality will lead you to meet people to have experiences to prove this to be true over a period of time, but you will never be out of the illusion. The illusion will of separation, which is the base of all fear will always be a part of this experience. There's [00:27:00] a reason that you came to this experience. This is the pinnacle of physical experiences. Not for everyone, but it is for you. If you are here, if you are here and listening to these words, you could not listen to these words.

You would not have found this episode. If you were not ready to make that movement from victim to creator,

Karen: Those stumbles that people might have are actual part of the humanness of them and exactly what are supposed to happen in order for them to gain the experiences they're meant to have.

Gary: the stumbles are not really stumbles. The stumbles are just there to make sure you're not going too quickly because you wouldn't want to go snap from where you are to a much higher perspective.

Will & Karen: I don't know Joshua. I don't know.

Gary: It would be like being thrown in the deep end of the pool when you're four years old and didn't know how to swim. [00:28:00] Quite a shock.

Will & Karen: Okay, maybe not.

Karen: So while you might not think it's the right timing, the universe always knows the right timing.

Gary: You are guided and supported every moment of your entire life. By your inner self and your millions of guides and supporters can't imagine the love that's flowing to you all the time. You can't make a mistake. You can't get it wrong. You can live as boldly as you want to live, or as small as you want to live.

It's exactly the same. You can have as much fun and as much fear in the same life. A rollercoaster ride of a life is an exciting life. It is great to be excited, and it's okay to be upset. But if you want to move towards more ease, joy, calm, calm, [00:29:00] You must move to seeing everything, especially yourself, from the highest possible perspective that you can believe in the moment.

And that perspective will elevate over time.

Will & Karen: So then, to bring it back to the physical world for a second, because this part of the audience has to find a way to that place, too. if my actions are always about what seems right to me, you do have to, temper it a little bit by what, how that's going to affect people around you. So, if my expressed needs or wants go in the opposite direction of what I feel is going to be in the best interest or may hurt someone's feelings, how do you grapple with that?

Gary: You are the creator of your reality. Everyone else is the creator of their reality. You cannot create in their reality. [00:30:00] They cannot create in your reality. You can influence them. They can influence you, but you must understand there's far more going on than you can possibly imagine. For instance, you believe that you must do certain things for your daughter. And that if you don't do these certain things, there could be some adverse effect. But she's the creator of her reality, and there are no mistakes. She is getting everything that she needs from you. And if you were to say something or do something she got upset by, she would know that that's a manifestation event pointing out a limiting belief.

Now, is she aware of it yet? Possibly not. But could she really be? In your family, if she didn't want to learn these things and grow up in this new approach to life, you cannot [00:31:00] do anything to anyone else unless they are benefited by the experience, how they perceive it. is based in their belief system, and you have no control over that belief system.

Their perspective is unique. You have no idea how they perceive whatever event that you are connected to. You may be inspired to say something, and they may take it a completely different way, because they have a different belief system. They interpreted what you said from their unique perception of reality, and this triggered a limiting belief.

You You may not have been aware of it. You certainly didn't do it on purpose. But you can't tiptoe around making sure that no one gets their own manifestation event. You see, the manifestation event comes to point out the limiting belief. If you feel negative emotion, After any event, it's [00:32:00] simply there to show you, you have a belief that is not true that could be addressed to enhance the life that you want to live.

Most people are unaware of these events and they blame them on the outside conditions. But if you're the creator of your reality, you'll start to notice anytime anything happens where you feel negative emotion. It's not the outside people. It's not the event. It's your limiting belief that was triggered.

You very much want to know where you're limiting yourself through these beliefs.

Will & Karen: So then, continuing in the 3D world, let's say I want to go on this retreat and it costs 2, 200. For example, and right now, financially, we can't make that happen. You speak a lot about manifesting and creating your own reality. So how can someone go about creating a reality in which I have the 2200 bucks so I can go on this retreat?

Gary: [00:33:00] If you had the 2, 200 to go on this retreat, you would not have the limiting belief that says you don't have enough money to go on this retreat. By wanting to go on this retreat and not having the money, you feel negative emotion. The negative emotion is pointing out that there's a belief around a financial abundance, for instance, that is limiting you.

You believe that, By going on this retreat, you'll get something you think you lack, but what's really happening is the inspiration to go on their treat is simply pointing out this limiting belief. That's causing a little bit of angst around money. Where's that angst coming from? Possibly this idea of responsibility.

Possibly this idea that I have to have all my ducks in a row to make sure nothing happens with the finances. People will come and look back at [00:34:00] me and say, you fool, what'd you do with our money? You want to maintain an identity of careful, conservative, responsible provider. That is a limited identity. You could easily.

Easily get the money to go this retreat, but you won't do it.

Will & Karen: Why not?

Gary: If you would go to your listeners and say, we really love to go this retreat. We think this is the next stage of evolution. We are putting together a little go fund me. Would any of you consider dropping 5, 10, 20 so that we could go and have this experience and bring it back to you? You would have a fortune. But you won't do that because that dings your identity. You don't want to have to rely on others. You want to be the [00:35:00] one who takes care of everyone.

Will & Karen: Are you suggesting we create a GoFundMe so that they can go to those retreats? Is that what you're saying, Joshua?

Gary: We're suggesting you push past your identity and do something you would never, ever consider doing before, because to do that would risk what other people might think about you. But if you had that experience, and if you presented this idea, to your listeners who want to support you desperately because they get so much from what you're doing.

They have no means to really show you their love. And so you put out this little idea and even have some of them join you on this retreat and you have the experience of the support and love that's flowing all around you. The retreat would be nothing compared to this experience. But to [00:36:00] do that is to push past immense fear.

Will & Karen: Well, that's a, it's a very interesting point. And the last couple of interviews we've talked to people about the necessity of pushing yourself beyond the comfortable. So, challenge heard. And I will do what I can to push past it.

Gary: Everything you want is on the other side of every fear you have. Now we'll play a little game with you. Let's imagine that you are going to entertain this idea and in your imagination, you'll say, all right, we'll have to figure out setting up this page. And it's going to be complicated. And we might have to pay some money for this, or we'll get someone to help us with this.

And then we're going to have to make some little announcement or Find a way to talk to people. Maybe we'll do a podcast about it. And then we're going to get all these people who complain about it. And we're only going to raise 10 and it's going to be a complete failure. And [00:37:00] we're looking to look like fools.

This is the default mechanism. The other way to do it is you say. Someone in our audience is going to be an expert at this. They're going to set up the whole thing for us. We're going to be giving, coming up with inspiration to give little gifts and tokens of our appreciation to everyone. We're going to make a special podcast about what we learned.

We're going to promote this on a full episode about this idea and. We're going to make it very easy to people for people to contribute a dollar of 10 or 20 and it's going to be the most fun thing we ever did because we're going to connect personally with our audience in a way that we've never done before.

Karen & Will: that.

Gary: When you do this, when you push past your fear and imagine the best that could happen, we promise you it'll always be better than that.

Will & Karen: I'm gonna take this section of this show and put it on loop and listen to it over and over and over again because you, I [00:38:00] feel so exposed in such a perfectly beautiful way that I thank you for shoving my nose in my mess because that's basically what you've done so that I can stop being a jerk And I understand it's perfect.

I'm being a perfect jerk. I get it but yes, you're right I do I do recognize now a lot of limiting beliefs and I do appreciate you pointing them out because hopefully it will Finally get me up off my butt And get the movie and I'm starting to get ideas. So yeah,

Gary: Starting to get inspiration.

Will & Karen: yeah, I am. Yeah. So I

Gary: it, ask for it, let it come, let go of the attachment of the outcome. And everything you want will fall magically into place.

And with that, we are complete. I'm all sweaty now.

Will & Karen: So am I. For different reasons.

Gary: You wanted to be exposed, right?

Will & Karen: oh yeah,

Gary: Because you are, you're one of the most authentic person that I've had a [00:39:00] conversation with the ease of this conversation. It's so evident in both of you. How often does this sort of thing happen before? It's like kismet almost, you know, it's like so easy and effortless it's because of how authentic you are.

Will & Karen: I think, honestly, it's a two way street. I think if both parties, if Karen and I and our guests are authentic with each other and we allow that flow to come through, it's magical. And we have the majority of the times it's like that. It becomes magical. And those are the ones that our audience says, Oh my God, I love this episode.

Right. Cause you feel that energy. It's,

Gary: I went through a whole bunch of tick tocks and I'm like, this guy's good. This girl's, this is amazing. Like every one of them was so interesting. I'm like waiting for the person that's like just selling themselves or something, you know? And it was just amazing. You just had so many great guests.

Will & Karen: Yeah, we have had some great, great guests for sure. Very

Karen: fortunate.

Will & Karen: On that note, we've gone for a very long time. We're definitely going to be splitting this into two parts. So if [00:40:00] you're still with us, thank you for listening in, but, but you've gotten as much out of this as we have, I'm sure, because this has been wonderful.

Karen: Fantastic.

Will & Karen: Gary, if someone wanted to reach out to you, to connect with you, to get your books, to speak with Joshua, what's the best way for someone to reach out?

Gary: It's really start listening to Joshua live. If Joshua resonates with you, it all starts with there. From there, you can, there's so many, you can go to. By the books do courses. We've got a million things going on, retreats and all that stuff too. But that's how you start. You start with listening to that podcast.

If you can understand it, if it makes sense to you, you know, it's, it's the leading edge of the leading edge of thought, so it doesn't resonate with everyone, but if it does, you'll start to understand it as you go along.

Will & Karen: Alright, so we're going to add a direct link to Joshua Live, the podcast in our show notes. So all you need to do is go to skepticmetaphysician. com, go to Gary's episode page, you'll see that link directly laid in there so it's easy for you to connect. [00:41:00] I am going to start listening right away as because I'm sold.

I, I, I had an amazing time. Gary, thank you so much for coming on. This has been wonderful. And I know I, I would love to stay in touch because not just was Joshua's incredible, but, but really you, Gary, were incredible too. The conversation we had before Joshua showed up was, was great as well.

Gary: Awesome. Thanks. That was so much fun. I'd love to stay in touch and you got to have Christie on the show too. She'll

Karen & Will: yeah,

Will & Karen: definitely. We need to do a four way conversation. That would be pretty interesting too, but yeah. All right, Gary, thanks so much for coming on.

Gary: Thank you.

Will: And a huge thank you to you. We know that there are tons of options out there and having you decide to come along on our journey of discovery with us is an absolute honor for us. If you know someone who would benefit from hearing the message we're sharing on the show, do them and us a favor and share the show with them.

It will help get the word out about us and it might just change someone's life for the better. Well, that's all for now, but we'll see you [00:42:00] on the next episode of The Skeptic Metaphysician. Until then, take care.

Gary Temple Bodley Profile Photo

Gary Temple Bodley

A spiritual leader Gary Temple Bodley

Gary is a channeler renowned for bringing forth the spiritual wisdom of Joshua, a group of nonphysical teachers. The leading-edge wisdom brought forth by Joshua helps people see their own lives from a much higher perspective.
A prominent figure in the realm of spiritual enlightenment, Gary has been channeling Joshua for 10 years and is a leading commentator on a vast scope of spiritual subjects, including Free Will, Shifting Perspective, Physical Densities, Manifesting, and the Law of Attraction. As Joshua, he has completed 1,000+ channeling sessions and globally connected with people to answer hundreds of profound questions on spirituality.

Along with his partner and psychic Christy Levy, Gary organizes coaching programs, retreats, and courses on how best to develop a higher perspective and leverage universal forces to create a more satisfying life.
Besides hosting the widely popular podcast Joshua Live and the Law of Attraction, Gary has authored 4 books on leveraging the power of spiritual understanding; notable titles include “A Perception of Reality” and “A Radical Change in Your Approach to Life.” His work was also the subject of a documentary titled “The Teachings of Joshua.”

On the podcast, Gary can channel Joshua to answer any of your questions. He would also love to talk about:
What he has learned through ten years of channeling Joshua.
How one’s perspective creates their vibration.
How people can radically transform their lives once they discover they are the creators of their own realities.
To get a sense of Gary… Read More