Guided by #Angels: How to Develop a Stronger Connection with Your Spirit Team feat. Nichole Bigley

If you're feeling lost and disconnected, constantly seeking guidance from angels and spirit guides but never truly finding it, then you are not alone! Despite your efforts to connect, you may find yourself trapped in a cycle of doubt and uncertainty. The actions you've been taking, such as meditation or prayer, may not be yielding the desired result, leaving you feeling frustrated and disconnected from the spiritual realm.

"Energy never dies, it only transforms. Our loved ones may no longer be physically present, but their soul essence is always with us, guiding us and sending us signs of their love and support." - Nichole Bigley

In this episode of The Skeptic Metaphysicians podcast, you will hear an insightful conversation with Nichole Bigley from A Psychic Story. Nichole, the co-author of the book "Looking for Angels: A Guide to Understanding and Connecting with Angels," shares her experiences and knowledge about connecting with angels and spirit guides. The hosts, Will and Karen, delve into topics such as the role of Archangel Michael in spiritual protection, recognizing angelic presence, and Nichole's childhood memories of the astral plane. Nichole's warm and relatable storytelling style, combined with her expertise, makes this episode a must-listen for anyone seeking guidance on connecting with angels and spirit guides. Whether you're a spiritually curious individual or simply interested in exploring the metaphysical realm, this conversation will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips for developing a stronger connection with angels and spirit guides.

• Discover the secrets to connecting with angels and spirit guides and tap into a higher spiritual realm.
• Explore the role of Archangel Michael and learn how to harness his protective and empowering energy.
• Learn how to recognize the subtle signs and synchronicities that indicate the presence of angels in your life.
• Unveil the mysterious memories of the astral plane and gain deeper insights into your soul's journey.
• Unlock your own intuition and develop your psychic abilities to receive guidance from angels and spirit guides.

Links for our guest and a deeper dive about this episode at the blog:

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:00 - Introduction

00:04:14 - Understanding Angels

00:08:06 - Perception and Presence of Angels

00:09:54 - Departed Loved Ones

00:10:47 - Connecting with Angels

00:13:32 - The Role of Archangel Michael

00:15:51 - How to Identify Archangel Michael

00:19:35 - Childhood Memories of the Astral Plane

00:22:13 - Early Remembrance and Acceptance

00:23:28 - Body Awareness and Human Existence

00:26:53 - The Act of Wanting and Quantum Physics

00:27:36 - Focus and Spiritual Development

00:29:44 - Podcast and Spiritual Growth

00:32:15 - Writing a Book About Angels

00:34:47 - Bravery and Aligning with Divine Timing

00:39:12 - Understanding Intuition and Psychic Abilities

00:41:49 - Perspectives on the Afterlife

00:44:33 - Cultivating a Relationship with Spirit Guides

00:46:48 - Asking for Help from Angels

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Nichole Bigley is a renowned intuitive and energy healer with over 20 years of experience in connecting with angels and guiding others on their spiritual journeys. Her psychic abilities became evident at a young age, and she has since been using her gifts to tap into the wisdom of guides, angels, and the higher self to share insightful messages from the source. Nichole is the creator and host of several popular podcasts, including "A Psychic's Story," which is a top spiritual podcast in the US with millions of downloads worldwide. She is also the co-author of "Looking for Angels," a guide to Understanding and Connecting with Angels. With her warm and compassionate approach, Nichole creates a welcoming space for listeners to delve into the supernatural and gain a deeper understanding of their own spiritual paths. We are thrilled to have Nichole join us on this episode of The Skeptic Metaphysicians to shed light on the fascinating world of angels and spirit guides.

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