"I've been angry that a certain card will show up. It's like why the hanged man at this time? But you find out as you progress through it. exactly why. And it's a really fascinating process when you're open to it and you start building that relationship of trust."
--Jason D. McKean (The Tarot Wizard)
The Skeptic Metaphysician
Learning the Tarot with the Tarot Wizard
Tarot cards have been representative of the metaphysical for a very long time. These mysterious cards have been the focus of most psychic readings that I've ever been involved with. On this episode, we take a look at just what the Tarot is, how it works and how someone learns to use this mystical tool!
Info about our guest
Born into a family of Psychics and Ministers, Jason D McKean is a natural Tarot Advisor whose given grounded and heart-centered advice for thousands of people.
He teaches Tarot internationally, conducts Meditation and Past-Life Regressions and has authored the book "Magic Channel Tarot Reading with the Tarot Wizard."
Jason is also a producer of best-selling OM chant albums that include OM SANCTUARY, OM ETERNITY, and 108 SACRED OMS, which are played in yoga studios and meditation halls throughout the world.
Magic Channel Tarot Reading with the Tarot Wizard
Guest Info:
Website: jasondmckean.com
Instagram: @jasontarotwizard
Facebook: @jason.d.mckean
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/omdogom
Skeptic Metaphysician Info:
Website: skepticmetaphysician.com
Facebook: @TheSkepticMetaphysician
IG: SkepticMetaphysician_Podcast
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