Sept. 14, 2021

Don't Land the Plane!

Don't Land the Plane!

On this episode I share with you some amazing wins by our listeners who have reached out to tell me some incredible stories about how they have both been helping themselves and others through what they have learned from this podcast which just totally makes my heart sing and I love the ripple effect!! 

The one episode that I have been hearing about the most so far is the hail to your exhale episode. It is episode 4 where I shared with you an amazing breathing tool that focuses on your exhale breath which is the key to your relaxation response to make you quickly feel calm & grounded. If you haven’t listened yet, you can go back and take a listen-it is so good!

On that episode I told you the story of how I was able to help 2 people at the scene of a car accident that I witnessed after exiting a show one night with my family….I helped both the person who was hit by a car and the person who was driving the car…by teaching them this 1 really effective breathing tool that I call straw breath.

I share 2 more personal scenarios where I utilized the opportunity to teach this tool on public transportation enabling no emergency landings or stops on a train or a plane:

On a train from NY to NJ when the passenger next to me was having a seizure and the surrounding passengers went into panic mode

On a plane when the passenger next to me had a full on panic attack that the flight attendant could not control

&  hear from our listeners:

A physician who also taught  this breathing tool to a passenger on her flight after hearing my recount

A hypertensive listener lowered her own blood pressure to normal while in her doctor's waiting room to the surprise of her nurse and doctor

An incredibly stressed listener dealing with her own illness and those of her family was able to get an amazing night's sleep for the 1st time in years

And then your CTA: Call to action! To help yourself and others by practicing this amazing breathing tool and teaching it to at least 1 other person to create a steep ripple effect helping others feel stress free from the inside out!

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