Aug. 2, 2021

Our Who, What & Why

Our Who, What & Why

Welcome to our 1st episode together! I have sooooo much amazing information that I want to share with you and it is so hard to choose just what to start with first! So let's start at the very beginning simply with our "who, what, and why", to set the foundation, and then let’s go from there!

I'll go be honest....feeling a bit vulnerable but putting myself out there.... so that you know you are not alone....and telling you my story of:  who I am,  how I hit rock bottom in burnout,  what I was able to do to actually save my own life and take over my hijacked body & mind, my journey to proud burnout thriver, and why I have completely dedicated my career to helping others like you do the same.

& then it is your turn with some time for personal inquiry checking in with your "who, what & why" so that you too can move forward and thrive!

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