If you’re interested in early retirement, you have to consider how you will afford life when a paycheck isn’t hitting your bank account every other Friday. Of course, my favorite method is investing in the stock market. This provides dividend income and the ability to sell your stocks when you need to but there is another obvious method out there - real estate.
I don’t know how we’ve gone 135 episodes without extensively discussing investing in real estate. It may be because it isn’t something I currently participate in but it has my attention. When I think about my draw-down method, there is hesitation on what I would do if I felt like we were in a down market and I’m wondering if rental income would give me much-needed stability through my early FI years.
So I’m putting some effort into learning about it and if you do the same, there is one educator you will likely run into: Dustin Heiner. Dustin is the Host of Master Passive Income and is on a quest to help one million people get started investing in real estate. He is of course a real estate investor himself and at the age of 37, was able to quit his job because he had enough passive income from his real estate investments.
In this episode, we discuss three common mistakes that Dustin wants you to know about before you buy your first property. Our goal in this conversation is to prevent you from making mistakes that Dustin had to learn the hard way early on.
So if you’re interested in real estate investing, let’s get into it. I hope you enjoy my conversation with the father of 5 and successfully unemployed…Dustin Heiner.
Key Takeaways:
Free Course: https://masterpassiveincome.com/freecourse/
More of Dustin:
Website: https://masterpassiveincome.com/dustin-heiner
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedustinheiner/
More of The Struggle is Real:
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