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July 18, 2018

Her Husband is Lusting

Her Husband is Lusting

A Husbands Lust

Her Husband is Lusting! Episode 152

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On the Show Today:

*Stu and Lisa chat about their puppies - Sweets and Spencer. *Spencer is a beagle mix with a crazy howl that drives Stu crazy. *Kinda like those things you fall in love with your spouse, but then drive you crazy *"You TAKE offense, it is never given" - Alex and Henry Seeley

Question: Her Husband is lusting after other women. Is she overreacting or asking too many questions? Should she let him tell her without having to ask him? How much detail is too much for her to ask her husband about his lusting?

Resources: Celebrate Recovery Locations around the US Samson Society Man Alive

12 Ways to Help Overcome Lust - Sheila Wray Gregoire

ASK YOUR QUESTION: 1.615.592.1060

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