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Nov. 14, 2018

Husband Still in Contact with Affair Partner

Husband Still in Contact with Affair Partner

...what should she do?



Her husband is still in contact with his affair partner...what does she do?

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On the Show Today:

Listener Question:

Hi Stu and Lisa. By God's grace, I'm slowly moving forward with my spouse after he committed sexual immorality with a girl from a karaoke bar whom he maintained for a year and 8 months. After the discovery and after we talked,  he said the line of communication is still opened between them. We are both professing Christians by the way. I insisted that he stop communicating with the girl but he would rationalize that he can only stop if he sees the girl back in her feet again. It really makes me very uncomfortable and it goes against my belief on what is right and wrong. I'm at a crossroad and having a hard time on what would be my next move. Please help me and enlighten me. Thanks.


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