Never Put Them Down in Public

Never Put Them Down in Public

Do you think that you would never call your husband “stupid” out loud to other people?

You are probably right, but you might be surprised what you HAVE communicated to
people about your spouse.

Ladies, how many times have you been in a group of women and heard phrases like

“that’s a man for ya” or

“I wish my husband had a body like Tom Cruise”

What did you do?
Did you feed into the “men suck” discussion?
Did you nod in agreement?
What about laughing at the “men are stupid” type joke in a movie?

Guys, you aren’t out of the woods here.
"Oh, my wife is a nag"..."all she does is...(you know the rest)"
"She always has a headache"
...and so on and so forth.

You may not say anything, but you feed into the conversation by your head nods and affirming hmphs and uh-huhs. 

1.Words are powerful.
2. So are our actions, our inactions, our body language and facial expressions...

Think about it. And just know this...if you are acting with Contempt in any way toward your spouse, you could be heading for divorce.
I encourage you examine how you communicate about your spouse to other people.
There is a saying that goes around church communities that goes somehting like this...

"Wherever you go, preach the gospel, and if you have to, use words."

Let’s apply this to conversations about our spouses.
It’s about our actions as much as it’s about our words.

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