Welcome to The Triflin' Family!


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This podcast has blessed my life!
Listening to The Trifflin’ Ones podcast in the morning while I’m getting ready for work has helped me tremendously! I get to spend time with God and listen to God’s word through Pastor G’s episodes. Each episode tailored to a topic that is relatable and relevant to my own personal life. This podcast is helping me grow spiritually and grow my connection to Christ. Check this out!! You won’t be disappointed!!!

An Spiritual Game Changer
The Triflin’ Ones is an absolute spiritual game changer. It is rooted in the word of God & provides us with step-by-step instructions on how to apply God’s word to our current situations. Minister Guerra does a phenomenal job of being transparent in his approach, that he explains the scripture in a way we not only see ourselves in the text, but are convicted to take the necessary actions to get our Trfilin’ selves back in alignment with God. In addition, there is also a feeling of comfort that comes from knowing that we are not alone as an imperfect, flawed, and triflin’ child of God that will never be perfect, but that does not stop or slow down our pursuit to be in relationship with our perfect loving Heavenly Father. So tune in, take notes, and then share this podcast with as many people as you can because not only do we need it, but my guess is they do also.

Fantastic messages!
I truly enjoyed the powerful messages on influences. Excellent Biblical messages that are entirely relatable to current practices. Very spiritual and uplifting. Great audio and each episode powerfully conveys a message that will speak to you to improve each and every day. Looking forward to more!

Always On Time
I look forward to the new episodes because I always feel an immense self of relief and support with this short message. They say He may not come when you want him but He’s right on time and it rings true in this podcast. I almost always feel as though he’s talking to me and it speaks to me personally as I work to be a better person. The fact that I know Pastor Guerra only helps as I know he’s true to this. I know folks often struggle reconciling the message with the messenger and that doesn’t happen here. Here’s to many more episodes. We need it.

Messages you NEED to hear
I have been listening to the trifling one’s podcast for some time now and each week has been filled with thought provoking messages. The messages are not only encouraging and uplifting but are topics that are relevant to me. I usually listen to the podcast on the way to work and it’s structured in a way where i can actually absorb the information. The speaker has great delivery and a clear speaking voice which makes it easy to listen to. I believe this podcast is relevant to all ages. I am a millennial and I find the topics and references to even culture very relatable and relevant. I think if you are looking for substance, want to learn more about God, or you just need to hear a word….just start listening. Click on the title that tugs at you and start there.

My Safe space place
The triflin one podcast and pastor has brought and kept me in a safe space and place where listening to Gods words with breakdowns of everyday life. This podcast has been a stepping stone to what I need to overcome my fears my insecurities and gain wisdom all at the same time. The testimonials blended with direct reference chapters in the Bible are clear, precise and understandable. Great listening tool wish it was available everyday. 😊🙏🏽

Pastor G.
I look forward to these weekly podcasts “The Trifflin ones” by Pastor G. to help stay vigilant in recovery. Pastor G. has awesome episode topics, modern relatable issues and solutions through God & his mastery of scripture that all can relate to in less than 15 minutes. Amazing !

Triflin Ones
Great, clear and concise messages that Pastor G. delivers in an easy way to apply scripture to everyday situations in today's world. I use Pastor G's words of wisdom to stay vigilant in recovery! Thank you for this awesome podcast!

So needed!
These conversations are so needed in today’s world.

My weekly devotional!
This podcast has easily become one of my weekly devotionals. Pastor G breaks the Bible down in such a way that’s easy for me (a millennial) to understand and he poses relatable questions. Love this podcast!

Keys to Success
🙏 Amen, Amen & Amen! Is our old definition of success real and what is true sanctification?! I love the way you speak, the authenticity of your BEing and that you always define, redefine and clarify whatever you're speaking on. 💜. Keep me in mind if you preach anywhere I can reach‼️🙏 Blessings n' Hugs

Pastor G
I’ve have know Pastor G, for many years. Whenever He has brought a WORD it was clear and right on time. His Word encourages challenges and empowers. It’s so many things I could say but most all I want to say thank GOD HE sent and encourager that knows the WORD and helps you to understand how much GOD loves you. No matter how old you are. One last thing I will never forget how much he and his family was there for me and my grandkids when GOD call my son home. Keep encouraging most of all keep standing in the WORD.

Triflin w/ Truth
Well, well, well I’ve known Pastor Guerra since high school. To come across this podcast and listen to how he breaks down scripture with the state of culture today while doing it all within 15min or less is amazing! I love the truth he unpacks about us as humans in general and believers in the faith of Jesus Christ specifically. If you haven’t checked this podcast out then you owe it to yourself to give it a listen! Blessings

Great wealth of knowledge from a incredible well!!!
If you know Pastor G then this isn’t for you. If you don’t know him let me say that he is someone you need in your life. His encouragement and wisdom will always uplift and empower you. I’m so excited to be able to get this information and insight through his podcast. Can’t wait to see where this goes because we all know it’s upward.

Loved the Episode!
Very great and uplifting!🤩

Triflin with Hope!
Listening to Minister Guerras podcast leaves me with immense motivation and feeling blessed. Deff suggest this short podcast I usually listen to on my way to work in the car or during a workout.