So much content, this episode may be double-stuffed! This week we look at various efforts at mopping up political messes along the way. We start with a Coast to Coast to Coast COVID Update, as both Delta rises again and news ...
So much content, this episode may be double-stuffed!
This week we look at various efforts at mopping up political messes along the way.
We start with a Coast to Coast to Coast COVID Update, as both Delta rises again and news about Omicron comes in fast and furious.
Then we'll touch upon a fresh start at the Green Party, muse about the real reason for fast Omicron-provoked border measures; give you backstory behind the fast tracking through the House of Commons of the bill to ban conversion therapy; take a critical look at Fiasco Tofino; and report of headway on the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal decision in favour of Indigenous children.
We'll then dedicate some time to the Speech from the Throne.
Of course, we'll have our listener/reader feedback and appreciation, and some cool news!
Also, because we believe that “Democracy Is Something You Do”, this week we invite our Kits to do the right neighbourly thing, and donate to the Canadian Red Cross 2021 British Columbia Floods & Extreme Weather Appeal between now and December 26th. For every dollar you donate, $3 will go to the Red Cross, thanks to matching by the Government of Canada and British Columbia.
Finally, we want to know: What do you wish most for the world, and for yourself, this Christmas/Holiday season?
You can do that via our show’s Facebook blog page on via Twitter @TrueEager.
As always retweets, shares, gentle corrections, constructive criticism, compliments, tips, requests and positive reviews (if you think we deserve some stars, please rate us) are always welcome.
Until then, be kind to, and gentle with, yourselves,
Your Eager Beaver
Democracy is Something You Do.
Be Kind to & Gentle with Yourself.