Welcome to the Beaver Lodge!

15-20 cm... in April... The Daily Beaver Morning Show

So, 3rd winter... In Spring... Forecast calls for... Stay home and watch our show!

Bruce Banman, (no idea who that is) is up in arms about the price of steak at Costco in BC. He blames the Prime Minister and the Premiere... This is not a very smart man; neither of those individuals have anything to do with the price of beef, nor for that matter has any politician... well, except for maybe Pierre Poilievre; his boss & former beard, Jenni Byrne is a lobbyist for Loblaws, so, draw your own conclusion when it comes to food price gouging at the grocer.

The worst part of this, Bruce Banman says that it will only get more expensive after April 1st because of the rise in the Carbon regulatory recovery fee. I call BULLSHIT; BC has had a program for years, the federal Carbon regulatory recovery fee does not apply. Whomever this person is, he is a typical Reformer; could even come up with a plausible lie... Pathetic.

Episode 352, Wed Apr 3, 2024, Here, We, GOOOOOOOOOOO!