Welcome to the Beaver Lodge!

In the Closet --- The Daily Beaver Morning Show

Well, good Tuesday Morning to you! We've a lot to cover, and guess what, some of it involves nazi's and the absence of the leader of the opposition addressing any of it. We're not surprised, after all, he speaks in Anglo Saxon terms... That's a racist dogwhistle in case you weren't already well aware, thing is, he was caught in a compromising position and won't apologize, or even acknowledge it. Well, guess what, he can try to distract us by spewing the constant stream of bullshit that he is so fond of doing, but it won't deter us, not for one second; time to double down on his ignoring of nazis in his party.

Mr. Grizzly has limited time this morning, so, Mr. Beaver will be largely swimming alone this am, not to worry, after all, he is a Beaver, they are great swimmers! ok, let's get to it, here we GOOOOOOOOOOO!

Hey Kits!

Weekdays at 7-ish Eastern, we livestream The Daily Beaver Morning Show, a (sometimes) quick take on the news, in addition to our usual formats.

It's now been over a week that the Leader of His Majesty's (Allegedly, Though We See Very Little Evidence of It) Loyal Opposition has been hiding in Harper's Broom Closet to avoid questions about potential neo-Nazis in his caucus and whether he's providing aid and comfort to them and he's counterprogramming like mad.

He wants the nation talking about anything BUT this so, we're going to talking about precisely this and we have it for you in this Tuesday Morning Bonus Beaver Bite.

Today, we talk about:

Where's Pierre-do?;
Our Questions for Pee Wee Vermin;
Civics on Interference from China, and;
We Throw in a Few Lighter End Bits.

Our morning show is the purrr-fect thing for busy Kits who are on-the-go, but still want to stay engaged.

PS: This episode is also available in podcast format and you may find it here [https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-true-north-eager-beaver/id1564803781].

PPS: If you wish to encourage us to do more, leave us a positive review and stars on Apple Podcasts and/or buy us a cup of coffee. Just go to [https://ko-fi.com/eagerbeaver] to find your way to our tip jar.

PPPS: And if you prefer to get something for your tips, we also have merchandise to show off: Eager Beaver and Blue Jacket Guy Civics Ts are now on sale (and wearing automatically boosts your romantic energy by 18.4%; our lab results do not lie). Being informed has never been soooo ♫ faaaa-bu-lousss ♪! Get yours here: [https://crier.co/crier-media-shop/?_shop_categories=true-north-eager-beaver].

This is episode 66 of our Eager Beaver morning show.


Not everyone can do everything. But everyone can do something.

Because #DemocracyIsSomethingYouDo...

Take a moment to write your MPP, MP, and a few Senators from your province to let them know that they or their party will not get your vote or money if they continue bumping uglies with Nazis, and that if they continue, you will make it a mission to actively encourage your entire network of friends and family to do the same.

Letters (especially handwritten) are most effective, then phone calls (flood their lines), then e-mails.

Better yet... Ask for a meeting.

Mailing your elected representative is free. No stamp required.

This is the time to make it clear, we are not having this.

Hit hard. Hit fast. Don't miss.


Of course, retweets, shares, gentle corrections, constructive criticism, compliments, tips, requests, bribes to be on the show, and positive reviews (if you think we deserve some stars, please rate us) are always welcome.

You can do that via our show’s Facebook blog page, via Twitter @TrueEager, or by e-mail at TrueNorthEagerBeaver@gmail.com.

And if you really enjoy our podcast, why not subscribe via our Podpage [https://www.podpage.com/the-true-north-eager-beaver/], and tell a friend?

Until next time, be kind to, and gentle with, yourselves,

Your Eager Beaver


Thank you to our podcast’s founding sponsors:

* The Peppermaster

* The Miss Vee Mysteries from Corvid Moon Publishing

* Canadian Tarot Dot Com

Artwork credit: Peter Jarvis

[Recording Date: February 28, 2023]