Welcome to the Beaver Lodge!

PeePee Won't Go All the Way — The Daily Beaver Morning Show

On Episode 396 of our show, we explore conservative objection to choice, whether in love, parenting decisions, family planning, or elections and the gap between "The Leader's" words and deeds, patircularly on abortion.

Also, we talk about:

* #MENtalHealthWalk Update
* Pride Month vs Prude Month
* Public Nudity
* Arnold and Nate
* "The Leader"
* Defending Choice
* "Wittingly"

The Daily Beaver Morning Show is broadcast LIVE (most of the time), weekdays at 7-ish a.m. Eastern. Our take on the news is the purrr-fect thing for The Best #DAMFAM in all podcasting™, Canadians on-the-go who want to stay engaged.

Until next time, be kind to — and gentle with — yourselves,
Your Eager Beaver and Mr. Grizzly


We welcome retweets, shares, gentle corrections, constructive criticism, compliments, show guest recommendations, and photos of what you are cooking. Send them to us via our show’s Facebook blog page [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063635884012], our Xitter feed @TrueEager, or our e-mail at truenortheagerbeaver@gmail.com.

If you like to smash with buttons, subscribe to our Podpage [podpage.com/the-true-north-eager-beaver/], sponsored by The Rae Girl, or our YouTube page [youtube.com/@truenortheagerbeavermedia] (where you can find the video version of our show and, exclusively, our monthly all pub chat / no politics live PubCast event).

Better yet, since our content is free and we shake it to earn your tips, you may now financially support our efforts via SuperChat on our YouTube page, but if you want to ensure that greater than 90% (rather than 70%) of your support gets to us, buying us a cup of coffee or mug of hot chocolate via The Eager Beaver Lodge Emergency Hydration Fund [https://ko-fi.com/eagerbeaver] really makes our day.

Until next time, be kind to — and gentle with — yourselves,
Your Eager Beaver and Mr. Grizzly


Not everyone can do everything. But everyone can do something. Because #DemocracyIsSomethingYouDo...

Write to your MP, MPP, MLA, MNA, Senator, or preferred local media outlet to tell them you expect them to dig deep into the Doug Ford corruption story as well as indicted-in-the-USA-for-trying-to-steal-an-election Mike Roman's links to Stephen Harper and Andrew Scheer. And tell them you want them to do more to house the homeless.

If you live in Alberta, get involved in canvassing for the AB NDP Leadership race. If you are in Saskatchewan or New Brunswick, why not look into working at a polling station this coming election?

With the current strain on our health care professionals, do the right neighbourly thing to keep our hospitals unclogged and be sure to get your summer COVID boosters. Also check whether you are up to date on your MMR vaccinations.

Finally, support your fellow Canadians by donating to the Red Cross Wildfire Response.


Thank you to our podcast’s founding sponsors:

* The Peppermaster
* The Miss Vee Mysteries from Corvid Moon Publishing
* Canadian Tarot Dot Com

Artwork credit: Peter Jarvis
Opening and Closing Music Sequence credits:
Cranky Canuck [cranky@crankycartoons.com]
Paul Joseph Something [pauljosephsomething@gmail.com]
miss Peach Tree Dish, Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene went on an insane, conspiracy theory laden diatribe in Congress accusing Dr. Anthony Fauci of 1) Not being a Dr. or deserving of that title, 2) Claims that Dr. Fauci is not a scientist, 3) recommend he be prosecuted... I could go on, but frankly, I don't want to, instead, I'll. pull part of a quote from Carl Sagan:

"The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance”

Well, we're here...
Episode 396, Tues June 4, 2024, Here, We, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!