Welcome to the Beaver Lodge!

The Con Show, featuring Melania Poilievre --- The Daily Beaver Morning Show

Hello, good Thor's day morning! Jordan Peterson is an obnoxious, arrogant, sexist, misogynist, angry, petty, bitter asshole.
Bring on his defenders.
This Grizzly is hungry, and it's breakfast time!

Hey Kits!

It's a new year, and our Not Quite Daily Beaver Morning Show is on its way to becoming Quite Daily indeed!

Soon, Monday through Friday, we have a (sometimes quick) daily take on the news, in addition to our usual formats.
On today's episode, we talk about the resignation of former interim CPC Leader Candice "Sheets" Bergen; the Overton Window on the right passing Michelle Rempel Garner by; a bit of political plagiarism from Poseur Pee Pee who seems he's having his speeches written by the same people who stole from Michelle Obama to write Melania's speeches; a potential break in the recent nearly two-month LPC's dive/CPC's rise in the polls; political party fundraising numbers; Skippy's empty suit pronouncement on health policy as it relates to street drugs; Conservatives in Nova Scotia trying to gerrymander away the voices of the Mi'kMaq people; Alberta Conservatives losing their minds about "the just transition" and passing on the opportunity to influence policy; a bit o' news about American Conservatives behaving badly (and consequences), and; we have some cool news about hydrogen fuel, Buzz Aldrin, and "Greywatch".

Our morning show is the purrr-fect thing for busy Kits who are on-the-go, but still want to stay engaged.

PS: This episode is also available in podcast format and you may find it here [https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-true-north-eager-beaver/id1564803781].

PPS: If you wish to encourage us to do more, leave us a positive review and stars on Apple Podcasts and/or buy us a cup of coffee. Just go to [https://ko-fi.com/eagerbeaver] to find your way to our tip jar.

PPPS: And if you prefer to get something for your tips, we also have new merchandise to show off: Eager Beaver seasonal Christmas and Blue Jacket Guy Civics Ts are now on sale (and wearing them automatically boosts your New Year's Resolution commitment-holding ability by 22.3%; our lab results do not lie). Being informed has never been soooo ♫ faaaa-bu-lousss ♪! Get yours here: [https://crier.co/crier-media-shop/?_shop_categories=true-north-eager-beaver].

This is episode 49 of our Eager Beaver morning show.


Not everyone can do everything. But everyone can do something.

Because democracy is something you do...

Please take the take to sign the #BeBrave France petition to extradite Rivoire to Canada. You can do that here https://www.change.org/p/bebrave-petition-to-end-sexual-violence-against-children.

Also take some time to write your MP (and MPP too) stating that you want the elimination of the statute of limitation applying to sexual assault charges. To write your MP in Ottawa:

MP's name
The House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

If you are writing to the Prime Minister, the address is: Office of the Prime Minister, Langevin Block, 80 Wellington Street, 2nd Floor, Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0A2. You do not have to put a stamp on your letter to an MP or to the Prime Minister.


Of course, retweets, shares, gentle corrections, constructive criticism, compliments, tips, requests, bribes to be on the show, and positive reviews (if you think we deserve some stars, please rate us) are always welcome.

You can do that via our show’s Facebook blog page, via Twitter @TrueEager, or by e-mail at TrueNorthEagerBeaver@gmail.com.

And if you really enjoy our podcast, why not subscribe via our Podpage [https://www.podpage.com/the-true-north-eager-beaver/], and tell a friend?

Until next time, be kind to, and gentle with, yourselves,

Your Eager Beaver


Thank you to our podcast’s founding sponsors:

* The Peppermaster

* The Miss Vee Mysteries from Corvid Moon Publishing

* Canadian Tarot Dot Com

[Recording Date: February 2, 2023]