The 1981 animated classic, Heavy Metal, was a groundbreaking film supported with one of the all-time greatest soundtracks - not only for the heavyweights who played on it but for the way the tunes were incorporated into the film and score by Elmer Bernstein. The Wolf and Action Jackson talk about how they found the flick and the album, shows coming up and fond memories from back in the day (how about a Blue Oyster Cult show that almost didn't happen??)
The 1981 animated classic, Heavy Metal, was a groundbreaking film supported with one of the all-time greatest soundtracks - not only for the heavyweights who played on it but for the way the tunes were incorporated into the film and score by Elmer Bernstein. The Wolf and Action Jackson talk about how they found the flick and the album, shows coming up and fond memories from back in the day (how about a Blue Oyster Cult show that almost didn't happen??)
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