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Jan. 12, 2024

AFTERWORDS: Cult and Underground Horror Films with Director Victor Bonacore

AFTERWORDS: Cult and Underground Horror Films with Director Victor Bonacore
Vic is a great guy. That's first off. I really truly believe that he has a bright future ahead of him. He remains on the fringe like many other filmmakers that came before him.
What ultimately happens is that most of these directors make a film that taps into the public consciousness in a big way. Is it them selling out? Not necessarily.
I think each and every movie has a message. Maybe even you could call it a specific vibe. Every once in a great while, films like this vibe with audiences in a larger way.
Timing is important in film, it always has been. Right movie, right time and you’ve got a certified classic on your hands. A movie that reaches far more people than any of your projects had before. I like to call it "magic" because that’s how it makes us feel.
Just because you haven’t seen an Underground or Cult Film, there’s no reason to worry. Being a fan of Cinema is a journey and there are many peaks and valleys. Don’t listen to bullshit gatekeepers about what movies matter and what movies you need to see. That’s up to you. I generally tend to pick the films that I watch depending on what mood I’m in.
We’re all one movie away from greatness whether we’re a director or not. That's the real magic.