AFTERWORDS: Shot-On-Video Director Sean Q. King‘s Quest for VHS

First, let me be transparent and ask: How do you quantify 30 years of friendship? It’s incredibly hard for me to find words to describe our personal relationship. I truly do believe that friendship is like wine over the passage of time. It becomes more complex and rarer. It sweetens and you didn’t think that was possible from a little grape.
When Sean and I were little grapes, we made monster movies in our backyard. In fact, we made them all over town. Slowly expanding in the 90s to all over Suffolk County, New York. Almost all Long Island became a playground for us to photograph with cheap video cameras that we may or may not have stolen. Allegedly.
We did it all for love. We still do.
Sean has made a brilliant oddity of a movie in Screamwalkers. I think with the passage of time it will become a cult favorite in some circles. The movie surprised me. I think that’s why the interview went so well. Even after all these years, old Sean can still surprise me.
(Truth be told it’s one of my favorite interviews I’ve ever done. This episode is a banger and I know it. You can’t fuck with me on that.)
In my heart I want someone, perhaps a big studio, to come to Sean and give him $60 million to make something crazy. It’s not just a fantasy, but I think that would make a cult classic on a grand scale. That’s how you get shit like Beetlejuice.
Sadly, that has not happened yet.
I see potential in Sean that I do not think he sees within himself. He could be a true Folk Filmmaker. Everything is authentic and handcrafted. It is couture. It is sincere. When I get a couple of bucks (and believe me, I will) I just want to give Sean some bread to go crazy.
Just like Chris Skotchdapole, I see the potential. When someone is a friend, you can see that more clearly than anyone. You are a champion of that person.
More importantly, Sean Q. King is my hero. He’s always been the wise big brother that I wish I had.
So, if I can say anything: Thank you, big brother. Thank you for everything. You are unstoppable. Now let the world know.
SCREAMWALKERS is a brand new THRILLING shot-on-video ANALOG 90's style slasher that will make you SCREAM! You can pre-order your VHS from Retro Releasing Video today!