Oct. 16, 2024

The Doctor is Out…of His Mind!

The Doctor is Out…of His Mind!
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The Offering with Jerry Horror

In this sick episode of The Offering with Jerry Horror, we scrub in for a diagnosis of a 1992 slasher that went a little mad in the operating room. As the first of three Dark Horse comic adaptations, this flick flatlined at the box office while its counterparts like The Mask and Timecop lived healthier lives. Originally meant to be a serious psychological thriller in the vein of Silence of the Lambs, this film took a sharp turn into campy slasher territory—turning a promising diagnosis into something far more routine.

Unfortunately, the MPAA wasted no time in cutting away 10 minutes of blood-soaked "procedures," leaving fans feeling like the good doctor never got to show off his full surgical skillset. And, if the film had been a bigger hit, we could’ve been in for an even crazier sequel, where our psychotic physician would trade in his scalpel for a supernatural twist, creating an undead army ready for discharge.

Jerry prescribes a full examination of what went wrong with this film’s prognosis and why it couldn’t revive the slasher genre as intended. Filled with medical malpractice, gory operations, and a villain who should’ve been checked into the psych ward long ago, this episode is sure to leave you feeling queasy—but in the best way possible. So, prep the OR and listen in, because this doc is out… of his mind!

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