Jenell Garcia, 27-year industry veteran shares her wisdom and insight with us how to love on your clients and have it majorly impact your bookings!
She began as a single mom with 2 small boys and had to quickly figure out how to work through the fear and become a successfully booked esthetician. She is a self-professed workaholic…to make things happen for her boys! She knows the value of hustle and hard work. She is now teaching other estheticians how to reach past their fears and find the lessons that will help them build amazing businesses.
Afraid to spend money on marketing, she began doing events to expand her reach and gain more customers. She became an advocate for our industry and begin meet up groups to get local esties together. She became a huge support to the local estheticians in the Sacramento area. She is truly a teacher and a dynamo. She gives of herself and estheticians learn so much from her. She is real and empowering and a genuine powerhouse in our industry.
We don’t want to miss all that money that is on the table right there in front of us. We don’t want to worry about reaching the world when the clients that already know and like us and not miss the opportunity to honor our existing clientele.
Jenell has recently created a course called 20K Holiday (yes $20,000 in ONE MONTH!) to harness the power of marketing her services in packages that she offers only a few times a year. She creates a theme for the month and while she’s loving on her clients she is offering them something special so they will see the importance of self-care. She creates whimsy and delight for clients while honoring her skills and what she offers in creating these special packages.
Don't worry so much about your socials…your clients already love you! You need to continue to nurture and love on them in order to see your number soar.
You need to CONNECT with your clients so they can talk you up and refer you! They already love you and can passionately spread the word about you! We are so caught up in systems and socials and the dangled carrot of being a Six-Figure Estie that we get stuck and we forget about our clients right in front of us. Have you given them your all in their treatment today? Have you provided them with your everything or are you sidetracked?
Expand your clientele by expanding your connection with your existing clients. When you step into the treatment room, what can you take out of your tool belt to be your very best for that client on your table? How you show up and love your clients will determine how truly successful your business will become. You can do a really beautiful facial, but have you offered a sugaring add on to remove those pesky hormonal chin hairs? The hour you spend with them should be ALL ABOUT THEM. In turn, it will be so much better for you!
For more information on how to have a 20K season check out her program:
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