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Think Beyond The Drink

Why Is It So Hard To Change? Part II

In this episode, we dive deep into why sustaining change—like quitting drinking, changing diets, or sticking to an exercise plan—is so challenging. We'll explore four key areas that might be holding you back: your mindset, hi...

Recent Episodes

Sept. 10, 2024

Why Is It So Hard To Change? Part II

In this episode, we dive deep into why sustaining change—like quitting drinking, changing diets, or sticking to an exercise plan—is so challenging. We'll explore four key areas that might be holding you back: your mindset, hi...

Episode page
Aug. 6, 2024

Why Is It So Hard To Change?

Ever wonder why change is so tough, even when you want it so badly? In this episode, we delve into the common struggle of deciding whether quitting drinking or changing your diet is easier. As I share personal stories and …

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July 30, 2024

#1 Way to Take Control Back

In today's episode, we dive into how distractions and a victim mentality can derail our goals. We explore how giving away our power to people, emotions, and circumstances prevents us from living a fulfilled life. We'll discus...

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July 23, 2024

Trust Falls

In this heartfelt episode, I delve into the concept of trust falls, inspired by a life-changing experience with my son. We explored how sending my son to a camp far from home became a monumental trust fall for both of …

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July 16, 2024

Common Beliefs Part II

Remember those common beliefs we busted in episode 25? Well, get ready for round two! In this episode, we're diving even deeper into the beliefs that keep us reaching for that glass. We’ll explore and challenge the notions th...

Episode page
July 9, 2024

Common Beliefs Part I

Buckle up, in this first episode of a two-part series, we tackle the common myths that keep us tied to the bottle. I'll share with you four transformative questions from Byron Katie's 'The Work' to challenge and change any st...

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