Welcome to Think Beyond The Drink!


Chances are you have the best intentions. Every Monday you commit to not drinking, eating healthier and exercising, but by Wednesday you’re already sneaking fries off your partner's plate, popping the wine cork and hitting the snooze button. You wake up every morning saying, “I just can’t catch up. Why did I have that last glass?” I get it — Carving out “YOU time” seems impossible, and the idea of not rewarding yourself by binge watching dating shows until midnight with your glass or 2+ wine seems impossible!! Yet what would life look like if you could trust yourself to stop doing the things that suck your energy, and the most coveted asset of all- your time?Camille has a Master in Science and a PA-C, and has guided 1000+ individuals in the past 2 decades toward sustainable lifestyle changes and a clearer vision for their future. Join us on this transformational journey.In this podcast we think beyond the drink to create a life where you are in control - not your habits, not your thoughts, or not your emotions. We do this by blending the science and the metaphysical to build good habits and break bad habits, create a morning routine, eat healthier, cycle tracking for productivity and energy, hormones, drink less, reduce screen time, have better relationships with your partner, children, and workplace, improve sleep, motivation, meditation, journaling, and overall self-care rituals. It all begins with knowing and trusting yourself on a deep level, and we do this conscious awareness, radical ownership and responsibility, and envisioning a life we don’t want to escape. Expect practical (3D) and esoteric (5D) advice on crafting a life that excites you!