Welcome to Think Beyond The Drink!
April 9, 2024

What Your Cravings Can Tell You

Ever wake up with a raging sweet tooth after indulging on ice cream the night before?  Yeah, me too. 

This episode dives into how our cravings, moods, and behaviors are basically payback for our, most autopilot choices – from the past 24 hours to even years back!

We’ll chat about how food choices can mess with your hunger hormones and mood. Alcohol does the same thing, by the way.

We also explore how the way you talk to yourself, your self-care routine, and even the people you hang out with can impact how you feel. Basically, your past choices add up, shaping your present self.

Are you ready to drink 95% less in 30 days without committing to the nevers, forevers, and always so you can have more time and freedom to create a life that you love? Fill out this brief application to schedule a free 30-minute call.

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