Welcome to Think Beyond The Drink!
May 14, 2024

What's the magic pill to drink less

Summer's almost here, and I can't wait for a more chill vibe without the craziness of the school schedule and preteen drama. But before we get too relaxed, let's talk about something important: how responding to a problem is different than actually fixing a problem.

We've all been there - searching for that quick fix, the magic pill that makes changing habits easy. But here's the truth: lasting change comes from within.

In this episode, we'll explore:

  • Why those quick fixes only address the symptoms, not the root cause
  • How self-discovery and taking responsibility are key to real change
  • Building resilience and using the tools and support systems you have

Plus, I'm offering a FREE coaching session and a live workshop to kickstart your summer transformation! How High Achieving Professional Women Can Drink Less and Still Relax and Have Fun May 30th 

Let's forget the quick fixes and create lasting change together. 

Are you ready to drink 95% less in 30 days without committing to the nevers, forevers, and always so you can have more time and freedom to create a life that you love? Fill out this brief application to schedule a free 30-minute call.

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@camille_kinzler and leave me a DM!