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Oct. 25, 2017

Aging Gracefully Elder Care Series -pt 3: the Milke Plan w2 wage earners

Aging Gracefully Elder Care Series -pt 3: the Milke Plan w2 wage earners

Kevin McCants Co-Founder "The Milke Plan Single Payer Model" ends his three part series with how the plan affects w2 wage earners.

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Aging Gracefully Elder Care Series 909 232-9222 to listen live Press 1 # to ask questions Part 7 of 12: Social Programs For Assistance pt. 3 Guest: Kevin McCants, Co-Founder The Milke Plan’s Single-Payer Model & Special Guest Topic: How The Milke Plan’s Single-Payer Model Affects W-2 Wage Earners. Join us for this last installment and be sure to listen to parts 1 & 2 for a clearer picture of how Mr. McCants program is gaining momentum as a health care solution.