Myael Simpkins
An Author, Musician, Graphic Designer, Ceo of Transcendental Expressions. Simpkins has made his mark throughout The Hudson Valley with his live Piano/Guitar performances. Simpkins authored a popular suspense mystery thriller, Emancerian Chronicles: Signs of the First (2015), The Poetic Stylings of Myael Simpkins (2017) and currently working Emancerian Chronicles: Why We fear the Shadows.
Nichole Dickerson
The Founder CEO of DP Properties Real Estate LLC and DP Business Solutions with expertise in Business Development, Organizational Infrastructure, Operational Management, Staff development, Deal-structuring, Real Estate Financing, and strategic consulting.
Nichole was integral in generating $500M in Real Estate financing throughout her Mortgage Lending career at institutions such as Chase, Citibank, and mortgage banking firms. Through DP Properties Real Estate has sourced funding for commercial real estate projects both domestically and internationally for $300M. Nichole has facilitated for Private Investors, hedge funds, Private equity firms that are seeking to capitalize on affordable housing.
Zoë Flowers
A filmmaker, producer, author, poet, actress, Reiki Master, and writer with the Huffington Post. Her poetry and essays can be found in Stand Our Ground; Poems for Trayvon Martin and Marissa Alexander, Dear Sister: Letters From Survivors of Sexual Assault and several online journals. In 2004, Zoë Flowers interviewed survivors about their experiences with domestic and sexual violence. From Ashes To Angel's Dust: A Journey Through Womanhood is the book that emerged from the interviews. Now, with seventeen years of experience, Zoë works nationally and internationally, has appeared on NPR, spoken at Yale University, and Smith College on the issues of domestic/sexual violence.