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This is Texas Wine Podcast Stands Out!
I’ve been surfing podcasts to find one that is concise, informative, and entertaining. Shelly Wilfong does a fantastic job of doing this. Whether you want to learn about specific wineries or educational opportunities or plan a trip, her podcasts are worth your time. If you want to support our Texas wine industry as I do, start here for guidance!

Johnson City wineries
Shelly’s podcasts are so informative. For example. Some of her recent podcasts provided very helpful information about the various wineries near Johnson City, Texas. We recently stayed in the area, visited several wineries and had one of our best visits to the Hill country. Thank you Shelly for your tremendous commitment to Texas wines . Richard P

In the know about Texas wine
This podcast shares all the news, insights, facts and figures, and trends happening in the Texas wine industry. Shelly stays in the know by attending events, visiting wineries, interviewing people from all aspects of the industry. While serious, the podcast is fun and conversational. It’s an easy listen and I always learn something from each episode.

This is [the best] Texas Wine [podcast]!
Shelly does a great job of interviewing guests. You can tell that she does her research before the interview. She doesn’t just show up with a stale stock list of inane questions & use it as an opportunity to drink & giggle. She actually listens to the guest’s answers & asks pertinent follow up questions to do a deeper dive. Guests start giving better answers because they sense that they are talking to someone who is knowledgeable, genuinely interested & who will understand what they are talking about. Shelly does a fantastic job of showcasing all the reasons we love Texas wine…….Texas terroir, Texas grapes, Texas winemakers, Texas wineries, Texas hospitality & above all quality of the final product!

Excellent podcast
I enjoy your podcast because it educates me about Texas wine industry and gives me better appreciation of work that goes into making great wine. I have converted from California red wine drinker to only Texas wine. Love going to northern Texas and Hill country exploring the various wineries. Thanks for keep me up to date what’s happen in Texas Wine.

I love this podcast. I’ve learned so much about Texas wines.

Wine podcast Gem
I found this podcast while studying for my first WSET level one. I searched through many podcasts, and Shelleys format is exactly my style it’s full of information you can use plus wonderful stories from winery owners, and the lessons they’ve learned. I even learn about local events as well as how to support Texas wines, which is my favorite subject to talk about.

Most informative Texas wine podcast
I’ve listened to every episode…first review. Easily the most informative information source about Texas wine. Shelley has grown as a podcaster, and, more important, as an interviewer. The most recent episode (#63), captures the heart of Texas wine in Phil Lopez, but it displays Shelley’s skills as she asks specific questions about the realities of growing wine in Texas. I look forward to every episode for the news segments as she always finds items I’ve missed about the growing Texas wine industry. This is a must listen for those who want to learn about the growing (booming) Texas wine scene. You won’t be disappointed.

Super interesting and entertaining
I found this recently and am now listening to all the past episodes. I always learn something new every episode. This is Texas Wine is my new favorite wine podcast

Just found this podcast. Love the info on Texas wines.

The BEST wine podcast!
So great to have a podcast promoting Texas wine and our industry! Love everything Shelly is doing to promote what we have to offer in Texas!

Fun, entertaining, educational
If you love wine, you must listen! And get ready to fall in love with Texas wine.

Great Podcast! 🍷
THE podcast for Texas Wine. Shelly is a wonderful advocate for the Texas wine industry. If you’re wondering where to go to learn about all things TX wine, this is it.

Best Texas Wine News Outlet
This podcast covers the emerging wine scene of Texas and showcases the innovation of DTC, viticulture and winemaking. Absolutely love this podcast!

Very informative!
Great podcast! I have learned so much about the Texas wine industry and Texas Wines. This podcast is a wealth of information. So glad I found it! Thanks Shelley for all your hard work you do a great job!

Shelly is so very knowledgeable and fun. Love listening to her podcasts along with our staff at NNN Winery

I love this Podcast!
A must listen for anyone interested in Texas wine and the Texas wine industry. I have learned so much about the wineries, winemakers, growers and happenings around the state. The podcast is full of relevant and timely information presented in an entertaining way. I look forward to each new episode!

An informative exploration of Texas wine
It didn’t take long to feel like I had massively leveled-up my knowledge of what’s going on in the Texas wine industry. It’s a good exploration of new and old winemakers and wineries but also shares information on current events and other interesting Texas wine topics.

Great podcast!
This is a great resource for Texas wine lovers (veteran and aspiring). I like the blend of news, current events, education, and in depth interviews with the people involved in the Texas wine industry. You get great ideas for planning your next wine adventure!

A must listen for Texas wine information!
I am so glad to see how Shelly has progressed with the podcast in the past year. If you want Texas wine news, interviews with people in the Texas wine industry, and more, this is the podcast for you. Save it in your podcast player and enjoy!

Texas wine podcast
I love this pod cast learning a lot about Texas wine . Shelley does a great job!!!

Texas wine... must listen
I love this podcast! Long form interviews with lots of details!

Great podcast.
Really enjoy this podcast and seems to be getting better and better. Lots of great info is always provided about anything and everything related to texas wine. Only thing I would make a comment on is that sometimes I feel Shelly’s delivery is very formal or “news like“ and it’s probably just me but I don’t mind more casual delivery instead. I’m nitpicking though. Keep up great job!

Great info on every aspect of the Texas Wine Industry
Shelly does a great job of covering every aspect of the Texas wine industry. She makes it easy for the casual wine drinker to understand this challenging market. It’s tough to stay independent in wine journalism. Shelly a been able to promote Texas wine without becoming beholden to any sponsor. That is a rare talent.