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Josh brings on some amazing guests, and his passion and commitment to his message shines through. Nice to see someone reducing their consumption as much as possible and spreading the word.

Makes it seem possible
I have often felt overwhelmed and incapable of living true to my environmental values. Joshua talks about his incremental journey and how starting small leads to big changes.

Great show!
Joshua, host of the podcast, highlights all aspects of sustainability and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!

Thoughtful, incisive, brave
Josh’s approach is deeply honest, which makes for meaningful content that is a genuine reflection of connections made through the pursuit of a common goal.

Deeply Substantial and Amazingly Practical
It’s obvious that Joshua puts extraordinary effort in covering salient topics and finding guests that are authentic and truly care about being a positive force in this world - the insights they bring to bear is still mind-blowing Every. Single. Time. No matter the subject, you’re guaranteed to gain something from every episode - can’t recommend Leadership and The Environment enough 🙌

A transformative & thought provoking show
Joshua and his expert guests provide valuable tools and techniques for leading thoughtful change and adaptability. Joshua asks the same questions I would ask and facilitates engaging conversations every episode. You can help yourself and help others with these insights.

Awesome Podcast!!
Josh, host of the Leadership and the Environment podcast, highlights all aspects of sustainability, the environment and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!

Love the Challenges
The only podcast I've listened to that makes you think about what you can do to improve yourself and of course contribute to the environment in some way. Joshua has great guests that are very interesting and offer useful and pratical info on various topics. Would definitely recommend.

Entertaining and informative
It's really great to see Josh pracitcing what we teaches in his classes and his book, and enouraging other leaders - and listeners - to do the same and keeping them accountable! The podcast is great as it feels like I am listening to an authentic conversation between leaders who are willing to make changes for the environment.

Insightful and inspiring
Josh’s podcast is a great idea for leaders (as well as for all of us) to do something—personally--to benefit the environment. The guests are wonderful people and true experts in their fields, but what I like the most is that the interview portrays them as normal, everyday people who are willing to do something for the environment, each in their own way. Can’t wait to hear the second part of each guest, when they come back with their results!

Amazing Start to Exciting Changes!
Very excited for this podcast. By sharing with us these conversations he had with inspiring leaders, Josh is definitely leading by example and bring up points to ponder over the week. Thank you for this!

Become a better leader by listening to this podcast
Joshua does an awesome job with the interviews and getting awesome guests on the show. These interviews will inspire you. Lots of awesome insights and ideas in each episode.

Josh Spodek is a leader on emotional drive!

Unique and refreshing!
I love the way Josh teaches! In a world of "me too" teaching, Josh punches through and delivers a completely unique and powerful perspective on leadership :)

Inspiring stories and engaging Joshua!
Leadership is such a buzzword that everyone talks about but often struggles to become one. It’s enlightening to listen to stories of the different leaders and Joshua’s perspectives. Look forward to more content from Joshua!

Insightful, actionable, and necessary. This is a must listen to show
Josh is a fantastic interviewer that pushes his guests (I was one of them) to challenge themselves, think differently and ultimately create changes that lead to a better world for all of us. This is most definitely not just another podcast with the same old, tired questions. This show is invaluable. It pushes the guests and the listeners, giving greater insight and tying that insight into actions. Don't miss this show! It will change the way you think about yourself, the people around you and your environment. Keep up the fantastic work Josh!

The Environment Has A New Superhero
We live in an age of noise and distraction. And too often, the greatest distraction is an overload of information. We consume it as if it translates into some sort of positive action for whatever it is we care about, such as the environment. Josh is challenging all of us to say enough to all the doom and gloom and recognize that we have to actually act, and lead by example if we want to turn things around. I can think of no one more savvy and capable to lead this discussion and finally incite some significant action towards protecting our beloved planet, and the people that call it home. Thanks Josh!

Great Show!
Josh's approach to each interview shows his commitment to getting the best content out there. The show is great, keep up the great work!

Guests acting inspires me to act
Hearing the guests act on what they care about leads me to think of what I care about, then to act on it, living more and more by my values. Enough people talk about what other people should do. People on this show actually act. They inspire me. I can't wait to see how the show develops, as guests take on bigger personal challenges.

A must tune in
As a friend and a guest of the show, I am really excited about Joshua's fresh approach to podcasting. Real conversations about how we show up, create habits, and take steps to make the world a better place.

Relevant podcast
Excellent podcast for those that want practical tools and skills to work with the most pressing challenge mankind is up against. A breath of fresh air!

A Real Breakthrough-Step By Step
Big and bold with real impact. That’s what I love about Josh Spodek. He takes a no nonsense approach to the topic that is very critical to our survival - our environment. This podcast will teach you and spur you to action. Thank you, Josh, for breaking new ground - yet again!

Finally someone taking charge of the environment. This podcast got me to reduce my home garbage production. I meant to do it for a long time and this podcast made it easy and enjoyable.

Great content!
Fabulous guests, content and host. Can't wait for more!

Good Job!
I like how Joshua approaches environment as more than climate change. Our environment affects the health of our food, water, air, community, soil; We need leaders who are demonstrating daily habits that help us to keep an environment that we want to live in for years to come.

Joshua is the REAL DEAL!!!
Wow! I have honestly never heard a show like this before. Joshua Spodek is really living what he preaches. By holding himself accountable and leaving the listeners with actionable steps, it's very easy to inspire and become leaders in change!

Phenomenal podcast
I didn't think it was possible for Josh to come out with something better than his writing, but he did. Bravo Josh. Can't wait for more.

Great Conversationalist
I've been fortunate enough to be a guest on the show with Josh. He asks really insightful questions that caused me to have a few breakthroughs of my own.

Dan Pink?!?!? #awesomesauce Such a great episode!

The new standard for Leadership
I have had the priveledge of getting to know Josh over the last two years. He is a thought leader in business, bringing the best out in our people and leadership. In addition to that he is an expert in the environment and becoming a conscious entrepreneur. He brings both of these together beautifully in this podcast that is a must listen to this generation!