Feb. 16, 2021

92. "480 Club" w/ Joe Hooks


Joseph Hooks is a college success coach with CollegeTracks, and owner of the 480 Club www.480club.com. He is a former student success coach from the Conflict Resolution Center of Montgomery County, Program Specialist with the Montgomery County State's Attorney Office, Youth Development Specialist at Watkins Mill High School and a known Community Advocate and  Youth Sports Coach.

Follow Joseph on Instagram @480club and on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-hooks-265b4757/

Check out the full video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/RRSETD6f4yI

Order your copy of my new book, "Thrive After Sports" here! http://www.thriveaftersportsbook.com/

Thank you for your support!

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