Aug. 13, 2024

August 13, 2024

August 13, 2024


Recording the third episode of Dorian Gray today and planning / sorting out social media. For those of you who have followed me for years - are we coming up on the 6th year already?? - I've had major difficulties with consistency. Really, to the point that I'll record *maybe* six episodes of a classic and never return to it again. Some of this comes from low views, but I think I really just worry that not enough people are interested in the current story and we should move on to something else. It's like the ten minute rule when watching a new tv show or movie - if it doesn't engage you in ten minutes, you can move on to something else and your partner has to respect that. They get the same rule, so it evens out.

All this to say that I will be checking in daily because I need consistency and this channel and community that we've been building needs proper check-ins :)