Aug. 15, 2024

August 15, 2024: it's okay to not be okay

August 15, 2024: it's okay to not be okay

Today's Affirmation: it's okay to not be okay ❤️

This is a more raw version of myself - which doesn't come out very often, especially as a public creator. Yesterday I had my first mammogram. And BOY do I hurt today. Like I've been hit by an airbag -which, I actually have experienced before.

As a chronic pain sufferer, I can handle my day to day pain because, simply, it HAS BECOME my day to day pain. For decades, since I was in the Army in 2003. So I think I'm really strong when it comes to pain haha.

But what it comes down to is the spoon theory. Say we each start the day with six spoons. We get out of bed, that's one spoon. The pain we experience as we get ready and wait for our medications to kick in, that's another two spoons. By the afternoon, we're lucky if we have one to two spoons remaining. So any 'extra bit' of pain - that's like three spoons right there. A big chunk of the spoons we've been given and it sure does make a difference!

In this little community we've built, we have a safe space to talk about these things. And, even on our lowest spoon days, it's still okay to not be okay. Those spoons do reset tomorrow, and even if you're low, they do eventually even back out.

Even though it can seem like you're always in the negative. So here's a spoon from me to you 🥄

#spoons #spoonday #chronicpain #chronicpainawareness