Aug. 16, 2024

August 16, 2024: it's okay to take time for yourself

August 16, 2024: it's okay to take time for yourself

Today's Affirmation: it's okay to take time for yourself ❤️

Today started with an xray on a very old injury and a trip to Point S to get our flat tire fixed. Shout out to them (can't find their correct Instagram handle) for fixing the flat and putting it back on our SUV for only $18. I went in thinking they'd charge a fee even if they couldn't fix it!

On to the rest of today. Some work first, then going to record a bit of Ligotti. As you saw, I tried out filming yesterday and though I believe it was a horrible attempt, I definitely am eager to give it a another go.

Going in to the weekend, I want you to remember that it's so very easy to spin in your mind about all of the things that need / HAVE to get done or that have to be paid for somehow, but those concerns are going to exist even when they're smaller. For today - take a moment to breathe and give your mind a break. You deserve it ❤️

And just because we're all in this together, here's another spoon 🥄