Aug. 21, 2024

August 21, 2024 - Let's be accountable to each other

August 21, 2024 - Let's be accountable to each other

Todays Affirmation: let’s be accountable to each other with our mental and physical health ❤️

Mental, physical health – the problems are left to fester.

We even do this in everyday life. We’ll let the trash sit out just a bit too long until a smell takes over our homes, wait to remove the laundry from the dryer until we need to wear what it holds but find that it never dried properly – but more importantly, we’ll let physical and mental health concerns fester and grow in the hopes that we’ll get better. Because care, unless you happen to have great insurance, is all out of pocket and extremely expensive. And worse than that – is the diagnosis we cringe at the thought of receiving because we know that it will be completely unaffordable and devastating for us to handle.

For me, this meant an untreated tooth after being headbutted by a dog years ago. The tooth never hurt but began to blacken and the gums began to swell. Over the counter treatments kept everything at bay and even reduced the swelling in my gums over time. But I never sought treatment and I never got it resolved because I’m a veteran without basic preventive care insurance.

Tomorrow I have my first (of six) scaling and root planing appointments. Because I was told that within a year, I would be in dentures and at very serious risk for heart disease or other organ diseases.

How do we break this cycle and get care before it requires something more serious to resolve? I honestly wish I had the answer. I wish I could tell each and every one of you to get preventive care every year, to keep track of your mental and physical health and seek a doctor when something is a bit wrong. But I can’t because I know I won’t do it for myself.

All I can ask is that we have a bit of accountability with each other. Check-ins that let us talk about the things we are afraid to get diagnosed or check-ins that help us realize that we’re hiding the truth from ourselves about something that could potentially be life threatening. Mental, physical – that’s all we have. And when it’s too late, when something gets diagnosed too late, it could mean a very real end.

A spoon for you today 🥄

#spoonday #mentalhealth