March 7, 2022
62: On Traction, Patience & Ted Lasso (feat. Sara Dean)

Entrepreneurship is often freaking exhausting - sometimes it takes all our energy just to stay standing. How can we manage our energy, hope, and expectations when facing so much fear, uncertainty, risk, and challenge? And how can we cultivate an attitude of patience amid all the shiny promises of immediate gratification and subsequent let-downs?
This week, Annie P. sits down with Sara Dean, the fearless and fabulous matriarch of The Shameless Mom Academy. Sara has amassed tons of knowledge in her own entrepreneurial journey and eagerly shares the secrets of traction, imperfect action, and honoring the complexity of your clients. Then, Annie and Sara don their Richmond Greyhound apparel and talk about the lessons tucked into the lives of America's favorite football coach turned football coach, Ted Lasso, and his not-always-so-merry band of changemakers, pacesetters, and up-and-comers.
*Parentpreneur advisory: this episode contains colorful language.
This week, Annie P. sits down with Sara Dean, the fearless and fabulous matriarch of The Shameless Mom Academy. Sara has amassed tons of knowledge in her own entrepreneurial journey and eagerly shares the secrets of traction, imperfect action, and honoring the complexity of your clients. Then, Annie and Sara don their Richmond Greyhound apparel and talk about the lessons tucked into the lives of America's favorite football coach turned football coach, Ted Lasso, and his not-always-so-merry band of changemakers, pacesetters, and up-and-comers.
*Parentpreneur advisory: this episode contains colorful language.
Connect with Sara through her Instagram and free Facebook Community!
Don't forget to check out her podcast, The Shameless Mom Academy.
Don't forget to check out her podcast, The Shameless Mom Academy.
Tired of feeling sleazy when you sell - or avoiding "the ask" altogether? Annie P.'s free masterclass is for you.
For full show notes and more visit
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