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April 15, 2022

5 Amazing Ways Guest Interviews Can Enhance Your Podcast

5 Amazing Ways Guest Interviews Can Enhance Your Podcast

One of the best strategies that I’ve used to consistently grow my podcast audience is interviewing guests. Guest interviews can enhance your podcast if you're strategic in planning your shows and building relationships.

Interviewing other podcasters, entrepreneurs, and subject matter experts is a great way to build connections and networks with people. It can even be a way to discover new podcasts and guest interview opportunities for your show.

The ability to interview guests is one of the most important dynamics in podcasting. If you can do it, then you not only have an effective way to deliver content–but you also can expand your network and audience. 

Smart podcasters know that engaging guests is much more than just asking questions. It’s also about taking the time to edit the interviews properly so they can be used for future content creation while expanding your depth of knowledge of the interview topic.

Interviewing guests give you resources you can use to enhance your knowledge and to share resources with your audience through blog posts and videos.

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They help you create blog posts 

While I was writing a blog post about side hustles recently, I referenced several of my podcast guests to demonstrate how they created side businesses and even full-time careers out of their current skills and knowledge.  

I not only interview a wide selection of guests on my show but I also edit the episodes so I can better connect with them.  

While listening, I form ideas and opinions for blog posts and show notes. I also use the editing process to determine which sections to use in social media posts.  

Just in case you scoff at editing your own podcast, listen to Mark Asquith's interview with Jordan Harbinger below (38.10).


They improve your authority

I have a very varied background both personally and professionally. From living in multiple countries to various careers. Not to mention my unusual upbringing. 

And although not all of these areas of my life make me an expert, my knowledge is enhanced when I associate myself with my guests.  Truly, most of my interviews feel like coaching sessions.

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time”

Jim Rohn

For example, I spent over 20 years in the financial field selling insurance and real estate, as well as working on Wall Street. So when my guests talk about personal finance or investing, I can relate to the subject matter. I improve my authority by leveraging this enhanced knowledge to provide my audience with helpful content.

And even though you might not spend a lot of time with your guests beyond the interview, you have that asset to repurpose in different ways. Each time, enhancing your expertise and improving your authority in the subject matter.


They expand your network

Your guests allow you the opportunity to broaden your professional and maybe even your personal network. You can leverage your relationship with them to create lasting, mutually beneficial connections.

For example, some of my expert guests sometimes act as a mentor to members of my audience.  

Depending on your desires for podcasting and beyond, extend your influence by networking with those guests that resonate with you.

The relationship you form with your guests and eventually their network should create mutual benefits. I offer to promote my guests products and services through the podcast, especially while I'm promoting the episodes.

They extend your audience reach

This may be the most valuable immediate benefit to guest interviews on your podcast. Your guests can be a walking advertisement for your show.

Ask your guests to share the episode with their audience.  Maybe make it a requirement for being on your show.  You are giving your guest free exposure to your audience.  It is not too much to ask them to share the interview with their audience in return for being on your show.

If you promote your show on social media (and you should), engage your guest by using hashtags (#) or user tags (@). Most times the guest will respond and their audience will see the response and hopefully participate by commenting and liking the post.

They are a great way to create videos for YouTube

YouTube is about videos. You can repurpose your audio podcast with waveforms, using platforms like to post on the platform. But how much more fun would it be to have actual videos of your guests for your audience to watch?

Guest interviews can enhance your podcast when you use platforms like or to record them.  

I’ve used in the past but switched to Riverside because Squadcast didn't have video recording at the time. also allows you to livestream your interviews. This is great if you have a YouTube channel or Facebook group for your podcast.

The third reason I like is because you can download a transcription of your show episodes from the platform. You will need to do some editing but this is a great feature that helps you to make show notes. You can also use the transcriptions to create giveaways and blog posts to give your audience more useful and exclusive content.

Lastly, I like that you can invite an audience to your interview when you use Riverside to interview your guests.  Exclusive access means your audience can listen to the interview live.  And before anyone else. The app makes this a simple way for your audience to connect with you and your guests.



How to find guests (#findaguest) for your show. Here are several ways to get guests:

  1. Ask friends and colleagues for a referral
  2. Ask any current guests for a referral
  3. Ask members of your audience
  4. Connect with experts online.  It could be someone you already follow.  Don’t give up if they do not respond or say no but don’t pester them either.  Give value by interacting with their content. 
  5. Join podcast groups on Facebook or Reddit.  
  6. Join a podcast guest network such as or
  7. Create a Facebook group on your podcast topic and share your ideas with group members.
  8.  Add an interview booking link to your podcast player. Hosts like allow you to place links on your podcast player. 

Each of these methods will not only allow you to connect with potential guests but will also give you a wider perspective on podcasting.  


Podcasting is a fun way to share your message with your audience. 

Guest interviews provide the opportunity to expand your audience, grow your network, and enhance your expertise. You can also leverage those connections and work together to better serve your respective audience.

Have a question about podcasting?  Click the red banner to the right of this page and leave me a voicemail.  Or email  You never know. I may read your question on the air!