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How to Maintain Sobriety While Podcasting #podcasts #unbreakablemindset

Jim Rohn says we're the average of the 5 people you spend time with. So if you want to change, change your environment.

In this video Kyle Perry explains the mindset that caused him to shift from a destructive life to one where he became sober. Now he helps men and veterans overcome addiction and get healthy through fitness.

So if podcasting is a struggle for you because of the company you keep or bad habits, this video is for you.

Note his one powerful tip for overcoming adversity (0:28).

"You're not a product of your environment you're a product of your mindset", Kyle Perry

Connect with Kyle on Instagram @perrys_powerhouse_fitness:

Prefer to listen? Check the full interview on Tools of the Podcast Trade:

Tools of the Podcast Trade examines the tools and strategies we use in podcasting through tips and tricks, expert interviews, and product reviews.

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