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Returning to the image of the first century church

Torah Awakenings Podcast is a Christ-focused ministry geared towards the modern church. Having been raised in the Christian church for a majority of my life, nearly five years ago, I found myself being challenged to learn Hebrew, and then to study the Bible in the Hebrew context. It was truly a life changer for me. Almost everything I had been taught in Church had come into question. It was just a matter of time before I found myself feeling alienated from things being taught at the church I attended.

I eventually started attending a Messianic Jewish congregation in addition to going to my Christian church, but the more I learned from my personal studies the more I found myself drawing to towards the Messianic Jewish congregation and away from then Christian congregation.

It wasn't to long after that before I had completely left my old church. Time went on, and I began to learn more and more. My observances on holidays, my diet, and my views on the "so called law" began to change. As I began to become more sure in my understanding of the Hebrew scriptures, I came to understand that the things I was now learning, lined up with what the Apostles taught the first century church. It was then that I felt the call to bring these teachings into the church.

I began to reconnect with church once again, understanding that the purpose for me being led in this direction was so that I could be used to teach what I had been taught back into the church. Torah Awakenings Podcast became the fruit of this ministry.